Forum Replies Created

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

  • RE: Load variable with dynamic sql executed value

    That works for what I am doing. 

    Thank you Preethiviraj Kulasingham for your help.

  • RE: Two Things

    I have used a custom generator for the last few years.  This saves a lot of time and gives us some very standardized basic procedures.  Once the standard procedure is created,...

  • RE: TiVo for DBAs!!!

    I like the concept.  And the video was not bad for a “proof of concept” run.  The audio quality does need some work.  I don’t...

  • RE: error creating text file with dynamic properties in DTS pkg

    From what I am seeing  the ActiveX script would be a good one if the DTS package was an ActiveX package.  But, this is a SQL server package.

    I looked at the...

  • RE: How to get math result from varchar formula?

    That works Sergiy.  I do appreciate everyone’s help!

  • RE: How to get math result from varchar formula?

    Thank You!  I thought it was something faily simple.  I just could not seem to get it.

    I have another question if you don't mind.  Now, I need to get the...

  • RE: Can I round int Up?

    Thanks allot AJ!  That is exactly what I was needing.

  • RE: Can I round int Up?

    Here is an example.

    (174 + 231)/2=202.5

    The users want this represented as 203.  If I take the 202.5 and convert it to int it simply drops of the .5 and the...

  • RE: Connecting to DB2 on Unix box

    Thanks for your suggestions.  I am trying all the above.  But it will talke some time to work it all out.  I am having to work with the Network Admin. ...

  • RE: Can I Open Cursor with Dynamic SQL?

    Thanks for the responses.

    While I normaly I would not use a cursor or dynamic SQL it is required in this case.  I am looping through tables and creating code base...

  • RE: Comments and Bugs on New Design

    I really like the look and feel. However, the load time when I clicked the "Active Threads" menu was way to long. May need some indexing. Or...

  • RE: Send and recieve via HTTP

    Thanks for looking at this. Here is more code:

    CREATE proc bsp_UPS_shipping

    @DocNum varchar(20),

    @Weight numeric(6,1),

    @Service varchar(10),

    @ShipToZip varchar(20),

    @ShipToCountry varchar(20),

    @IsTest ...

  • RE: Dynamic Insert into

    That would be great. I would like to compare it with what I have put together. I will pass along what my final version looks like so you...

  • RE: Singleuser is not single connection

    Both connections are using the same login and security. Therefore the second attempt is working with the same connection as the first. You would need to pass a...

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)