Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 34 total)

  • RE: LEFT JOIN Returns multiple rows where it should return 1 row

    Here is the recordset.

    "NHN1234";"";"Nelson-Richmond";"Baumanis";0;"Gavin";"Andrew";"";"Beau";"1920-08-11 00:00:00+10";"European not further defined";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"657 Nicholson Street";"";"Melbourne";"";"Australia";"";"";"";"Carlton North";"61-3-93814567";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"2007-07-12 00:00:00+10";"";"Clarence";"Male";;"";"";"";"";"";;"Clarence";"";"";;"";"";""

    Only it returns 9 rows exactly the same.

  • RE: LEFT JOIN Returns multiple rows where it should return 1 row

    Hi Nathan,

    Here is the SQL that is being a pain and returning multiple rows, despite their being only one row that actually exists in the table.

    I thought that by using...

  • RE: XML in the Database

    Hi Steve (and everyone else)

    I am a developer that just happens to use an SQL server instance and "got stuck" with its administration, due to a lack of IT staff...

  • RE: Helpful Advice


    I realise the humor in it... but you can be certain there are people out there just itching to give these a go!!!

    I bet the people that actually go ahead...

  • RE: Missing

    Sailor's lore:

                         Beyond 40 South, there is no law;

                         Beyond 50 South, there is no God!

  • RE: Who Likes Their Job?

    I suppose I am little spilt, since I have only ever had 2 jobs.

    10 years in the navy - which I only left because I decided to put my family...

  • RE: Patching, patching, patching

    >>All I know is zero is a nice number to have when you're dealing with security vulnerabilities.

    That almost sounds like an advertisement...

    Mind you, as long as the stats (for...

  • RE: The Technical Manager

    Having come from the defence force before I inhertied looking after a SQL server installation and the hardware it sits on, I can say with absolute clarity that you don't...

  • RE: A Bad, Bad World

    Since this thread is security related and this is a sql server board,

    I thought I would mention that last week I en to a "what's new in SLQ Server 2005" session...

  • RE: The Certification Debate

    I havn't yet had a problem getting a job without an appropriate piece of paper.

    I've always found my work experience and skill set got me my jobs.

    Although - I find...

  • RE: Clustering.

    Hi Kathi,

    Thanks very much for the reply and advice.

  • RE: Stress

    Nice article,

    Completely Agree with you too.

    Here at the university there was a professor who was in charge of creating a new Student Management System (enrolment / attendance / test records...

  • RE: Uodate values based on a query.


    It's amazing what you can find out when you RTFM!

    Turns out I was a lot closer than I thought

    I orginally only had one column in the select, but it complained...

  • RE: Working Out of a Job

    Recently, an oprganisation dcided that it would create a position for a desktop SOE Architect.Which is fine - because you get concurrence across the whole organisation.

    However, the new SOE guy...

  • RE: Measuring Performance

    Being a rookie,

    I don't ever pretend to know more than I do - that's why I ask a lot of questions...

    I nevr would have thought about the row number reliance...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 34 total)