Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 87 total)

  • RE: Transferring BULK INSERT rights via stored procedure?

    Funny how posts can come to life years later! Thanks for the reply Brian!

  • RE: Is C# Better?

    Hi Jason,

    "C# is strongly typed and VB.NET is not strongly typed."

    FYI, add the following declaration to the top of your VB.NET classes/modules; it will get you a lot closer...

  • RE: Is C# Better?

    I would just like to reinforce the posts by the wise individuals who say the following:

    C# & VB are NOT the same. There are distinct cases where one or...

  • RE: The Best Days

    Steve, seems you've hit a nerve here!

    I'm in my mid 40's, and feel the same as many of the other mid-career posters...

    I don't need/want to pick up the latest everything...

  • RE: Finding Primes

    Fun stuff.

    I tried to do something similar in VB several years ago...the trick was that I was trying to solve for primes bigger than any of the data types. ...

  • RE: Finding unused databases?

    I probably should have mentioned right off the bat that this SQL Server is also a webserver, and that the only users that regularly connect are the web site itself...and...

  • RE: Finding unused databases?

    The more I think about this the more I realize I need to do something like what you've suggested Tom. I know the following: There is no active...

  • RE: Finding unused databases?

    Thank you for the quick reply Lowell. That looks good enough for me. I'm guessing that I'll hear pretty quickly if I detach the wrong db

  • RE: Away From SQL

    Photography!  I like the great outdoors and photography is a great excuse to get there.  It's also as techie as you wanna be, which I like.  So I travel, hike,...

  • RE: Returning multiple values to a single column

    hmmm...sounds like you need to do a crosstab and then concatenate the fields.  Does your second column have a fixed # of possibilities, or is it a numeric field?  I...

  • RE: Need Help with Crosstab Pivot Table Query

    Happy to help, Bruce!

  • RE: Sql 2000 permissions help needed!

    Thanks for the response, Linda.  The 'much tighter security' is out of my control!  My database is being moved from a departmental server (mine) to a corporate server in which...

  • RE: Permissions question worded differently...

    All of the users in question are normal db users.  I'm trying to let them do BULK INSERT under special, controlled circumstances.

    BULK Insert is a special process so it will have...
  • RE: Permissions question worded differently...

    Thank you for your responses Michelle. 

    I'm still not clear on this at all though.  I thought that the owner of a stored procedure could grant EXEC permissions to another...

  • RE: Statements work, Stored procedure doesnt...

    Thanks Julian, that's a good link!  I realize I have a lot to learn about SQL Server 2000 permissions. 

    Couple more questions:

    1) What I still don't understand is that my bulkuser...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 87 total)