Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

  • RE: Combining businesses with people in one dimension

    Hi Geoff,

    I would use a literal "Yes" or "No". (Or possibly a "Y" vs. "N" )


  • RE: Combining businesses with people in one dimension

    Hello Geoff

    If you are confident that true distinction between people and businesses won't occur then keeping them together presents no problem.

    However, you still may want your fact table to...

  • RE: Does it help?

    2 monitors is a must!!! I just recently left a company where every person in IT had at least 2 monitors. Now I'm at a place where everybody only has...

  • RE: Which One Do You Want?

    Opps...sorry about that Jay. (Fat fingered that one). I meant Jay H. not Jat H.



  • RE: Which One Do You Want?

    Did any of you catch the Barret-Jackson classic car auction last week (on TV or in person) in Arizona? Wow, were there some amazing vehicles (with amazing prices as well)....

  • RE: Auto_tune

    What!! An auto-tuner?

    Come on. What's next a guitar that will play by itself?

    As a piece of engineering the auto-tuning system is amazing but it doesn't belong on any instrument. A...

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)