Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)

  • RE: SSIS iSeries Source Duplicates Records

    Sorry, I never found a way to handle this through the select statement. I just dropped the records into a staging table and then filtered out the duplicates.

  • RE: Single vs Multiple Data Flows

    Thanks for the advice. I will try option 1 and let you know how it goes.

  • RE: How do you model an overridable series of values in a hierarchy?

    Thanks for your help. I was hoping there was a better way, but coalesce it is!

  • RE: The Price of SQL Server

    Tony Palmeri (1/15/2010)

    I bristle at the notion of the "fair price" of anything. Before I go any further, I'd like to say that I am specifically objecting to the...

  • RE: The Price of SQL Server

    The pricing is fine when you are looking at the database server. The thing that kills me is when you scale out services to other servers. 2 scaled out report...

  • RE: Effective Dating Series Part I - The Problem

    jcrawf02 (10/1/2009)

    Nadrek (10/1/2009)

    jcrawf02 (10/1/2009)

    Why would you want the db to do this? Why wouldn't you require the application to..[clipped]..the app takes care of the rest.

    Philosophically, with this argument, why...

  • RE: Effective Dating Series Part I - The Problem

    I have run into this before, and the article gives the first half of the solution. The second part is what I can't figure out; how to avoid overlapping time-frames.


  • RE: Monty Hall Paradox

    That is an interesting puzzle. Here is another solution using a CTE instead of a loop.

    -- Setup

    set nocount on

    -- Create a table to store the results.

    create table Doors

    ( ID int

    , ChosenDoor int

    , WinningDoor...

  • RE: Storing IPv4 Addresses for Performance

    How would something like this compare performance-wise? It gives you readability, but also great flexibility in filtering and sorting. You could take the persisted column and apply it to a...

  • RE: Budgeting

    Jack Corbett (11/25/2008)


    Isn't it better to reward the thrifty instead of punishing them? What's better saving money or going back to the till for more later because you spent...

  • RE: Budgeting

    Each company seems to have a different method of budgeting, but here is a basic overview of how/why "use it or lose it" works when done right. The first thing...

  • RE: MDX in Reporting Services

    Ok, I think I found the elegant solution...

    I need to create a project event table: ProjectSK, DateSK, EventSK.

    Events in this case would be limited to StartDate, ActualStartDate, EndDate, and ActualEndDate....

  • RE: Facts with dimensions with measures and more dimensions...


    Ok, so it sounds like I should probably make the project table a dimension and a fact table.

  • RE: Facts with dimensions with measures and more dimensions...

    I understand that I can have more the one fact table, but the question is, "Is project a fact table or a dimension table?"

    When looking at work it is obviously...

  • RE: Help setting up Reporting Services


    I also tried editing the web.config file by adding the userName and password attributes to the identity.

    authentication mode="Windows" />

    identity impersonate="true" userName="localAdmin" password="adminPassword" />

    This just gets me a "The page cannot...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)