Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 301 through 315 (of 323 total)

  • RE: Unable to Register SQL Server

    You may also want to check that your WAN users are connecting to SQL Server using TCP/IP protocol.

    In SQL Server Client Network Utility, make sure TCP/IP is listed first...

  • RE: How to Transforming Data

    Is there multiple columns or only one big column there, Kanwar?

    Can you give an example with the CREATE TABLE so we can see what the column definitions are?


  • RE: Function to get the name of a file

    There;s a number of undocumented features in SQL Server 2000 (that is, they probably wont exist in the next version, so try not to use them!).

    There's the master..xp_fileexist extended sproc...

  • RE: Declaring Text Data as a local variable

    SQL Server 2000 allows the text, ntext and image data types to hold up to 2GB of data. Because such a huge amount of data can be put in there,...

  • RE: User Rights - Help!!

    Yikes! Keep it simple!

    SQL BOL lists:

    Fixed database role Description
    db_ddladmin Can issue ALL DDL, but cannot issue...
  • RE: Use Detach and Attach for Backup and Deployment?

    Or to make sure your SQL Server isn't taken out by an old worm, make sure you have the latest patch SP3a installed


  • RE: SQL Authd users changing passwords?


    I'm not familiar with Crystal reports, so i'm not sure if you can build a custom form in there or not. Putting the 'change password' in the same front-end app...

  • RE: Use Detach and Attach for Backup and Deployment?

    For reverse deployment I've seen this done a number of places (like taking a copy of live db's and putting them into a dev environment). The only thing that I've...

  • RE: SQL Authd users changing passwords?

    If you are working in a Windows environment, consider using Windows Authentication in SQL Server.

    Windows authentication allows users to connect with the windows login credentials, so whenever they change...

  • RE: Is it a kind of BUG!

    pwdencrypt is not a documented feature of SQL Server (in other words, don't use it, get some real encryption).

    But hey, in anycase, it returns a varbinary result, not a nvarchar...

  • RE: How to DTS to a variable length file?

    checkout the BCP utility in the SQL Server documentation (Books Online).

    BCP is a command line program optimised for importing / exporting data from sql server to a text file. BCP is...

  • RE: sp with input parameters

    If your procedure is doing a single select statement, you can do it without an IF block:

    create procedute sp_abc

       @userid  int null


        SELECT * FROM users WHERE users.userid = @userid OR...

  • RE: Descending Clustered Index

    Grr.. I did a big reply and just lost it.

    Yes SQL Server organises the rows inside the data pages in physical order, and with no BOL info to the contrary...

  • RE: Descending Clustered Index

    Assuming your audit table is going to be continually updated, making a DESCENDING clustered index on date will see SQL Server doing more work; everytime you add a row, SQL...

  • RE: When should functions and internal stored procedures be created??

    David.Poole is right. SQL Sprocs should follow the same sort of logic applied to any programming language. The decision to break something into a subroutine, or separate sproc, should be...

Viewing 15 posts - 301 through 315 (of 323 total)