Forum Replies Created

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

  • RE: SQL Server 2000 Install Difficulties

    Nicely messed up is a good description. 

    I followed your suggestion to uninstall, remove folders, delete the appropriate registry keys, and reinstall. 

    Now it works, though desktop support is somewhat...

  • RE: DTS Stored How?

    Thanks guys, your answers provided what I asked and more.

  • RE: The Grand Canyon

    I gained an appreciation of the Grand Canyon from my Mom, who grew up in northeast Arizona.  My Dad was an Air Force pilot and we lived in a number...

  • RE: The Best Job

    I'd be a high school volleyball coach.  I started playing in high school and my very first coach was the best I ever had.  Not just because he knew the...

  • RE: A Career Poll

    I started in the BI world in a large retail organization using Cognos tools and Oracle or DB2 databases.  This company wanted to enable a...

  • RE: The Debacle Continues

    Brick and mortar stores and their tech systems are designed to deliver product to the store and sell what's on the shelf.  Systems usually aren't designed to track individual SKU's and...

  • RE: Decimal precision and scale

    Dividing by 10,000 is certainly possible, I'm just hoping to eliminate extra steps.  I was hoping that identifying a field with 4 decimals would make it appear as '0000.1234 ' in the...

  • RE: Bad Eyes

    The point in life where one’s eyesight is no longer 20/20 isn’t predictable based on science, but it is predictable based on statistics.  Statistically most...

  • RE: Import Data issue

    You were correct.  The table receiving the data was at the top of the destination list, and the table I wanted to send the data to was lower in the drop down...

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)