Forum Replies Created

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

  • RE: SSIS 2008 question

    I'm thinking the derived column is not as effecient.

    If I create a stored procedure, I still have to pass the parameter. And that's the whole point of what I'm trying...

  • RE: Weird Column Width Issue

    This turned out to be some weird hidden TextBox issue that I was using for calculate a total count on rows. I was hiding the TextBox, but I changed this...

  • RE: Removing Hyperlink on Exports

    Thanks! The Globals!RenderFormat.Name fixed it!

  • RE: Parse Values from XML to Insert into Table

    Thanks! Works great! 🙂

  • RE: Creating a Dynamic Temp Table

    Or put another way.

    How can I create and populate a temp table, with the results from a select statement which is dynamic. The number of fields in the select statement...

  • RE: Get XML into TSQL variable


  • RE: SQL Question

    Jason you are king dude! Just awesome!

    I've seen that "(select blah bah)" within the field list before, but never really used it. Now I know the power of it.

    I should...

  • RE: SQL Question

    I saw a coworker's snippet once, it reminded me vaguely of a similar idea. The statement below works.

    UPDATE t1

    SET t1.ID = NULL

    FROM dbo.table1 t1

    WHERE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM #table2 t2 WHERE t2.ID...

  • RE: SQL Question

    Thanks for all the replies.

    The example that I set forth was a very simplified version of what I wanted. I realize that I could have coded it the various ways...

  • RE: SQL Question

    Actually there was a small typo to the select statement.

    select #table1.field1, lookup.line_count

    from #table1

    inner join (

    select field1, count(*) line_count from #table2 where field2 > #table1.field2 group by field1

    ) lookup

    on #table1.field1 =...

  • RE: Xquery Question

    Works great!

    Thanks Mark!

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)