Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 95 total)

  • RE: How it can be done..


    although this method is a little bit unusual for relational databases you can get your output by adding a identity column to your table.

    create table tbtemp (orderid int identity(1,1), temp...

  • RE: sp error


    I only want to add that you have a copy and paste error in the following statement:

    UPDATE [Clinical_Edu_2006].[dbo].[tblSChestTubeFeedback]

    SET [Bedside Procedure & Interventions] =


    SELECT Count([The learner understands the bedside procedure and nursing...

  • RE: Comparing Passwords


    when I correctly remember, part of the encryption mechanism is to include the instance specific guid which is created after setup the instance, so it is not possible to directly...

  • RE: DBCC CheckDB runs slow, doesn't seem to use TempDB, and waits on RESOURCE_SEMAPHORE


    have you checked the non-default configuration changes of both servers (in "Server Dashboard" report)? Perhaps there are some differences.


  • RE: Create Cluster Index utilizing single processor


    what degree of parallelism is set on the server? was it changed?

    Try to add the maxdop option on the create index command and analyse the differences in execution plans.


  • RE: Quick deadlock question


    the input buffer is the whole batch not the single statement that caused the deadlock. Try to find the whole batch in your code and verify if there is an...

  • RE: add xmlnodes to "for xml auto"-statement

    Hi opc.three,

    it works for me. Thanks for providing me the right solution.

    I think it was too simple to get it on friday afternoon ... 😎


  • RE: add xmlnodes to "for xml auto"-statement

    Hi opc.three,

    sorry for my writing form ... it was friday afternoon before going home ... 🙂 ... the next time I will obey the rules. I have updated my initial...

  • RE: SQL server 2008 enterprise DB mirroring


    check if the server name of the sql server have been also renamed.

    Check this with select @@servername.

    It should be <Servername>\<Instancename>.

    If the servername differs from the machine name rename it with...

  • RE: SQL 2005 Transaction Logs


    the space the log is taken on disk is different to the used pages in the log file. So if you have backed up the log, the parts of log...

  • RE: Create a blank field before each record change


    if the amount of data is not too big you can take a cursor to iterate through every line of the select statement odered by OrdNo, Actions and check in...

  • RE: Decrease time needed to failover to mirror database


    normally in synchronious mode it schould default failover in 10 seconds (time to be sure the master is down) + time to switch over (normally some ms).

    see "select * from...

  • RE: Database Mirroring Setup Failure.


    if you are trying to set up mirroring in a workgroup environment, you must do following:

    1. Create same user on all involved pc's (same username with same password).

    2. Let all...

  • RE: Log shipping copy job is failing in SQL Server 2008


    are backing up up the logs on local disk or on network share?

    if so then change your backing up folder to local disk, because if the network connection is broken...

  • RE: Suppress output when changing configuration

    It doesn't matter. 🙂

    Thanks for your information.



Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 95 total)