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Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

  • RE: Update Order and MAXDOP

    Jeff, Kenneth, Matt

    Thanks for everybody in this forum that has written in my post. I don't would have got in a solution, without the inspiration that the forum has given...

  • RE: Update Order and MAXDOP


    Thanks for your guidelines.

    In this case, I don't talk about logics. There is no logic, I've got to admit.

    So far, nobody can explains to me that my original query with...

  • RE: Update Order and MAXDOP

    Jeff, Matt and Kenneth


    I think that I've found a solution for my problem,

    Inspired by Kenneth (he've said that I should use ORDER BY), even

    knowing that UPDATE there is no...

  • RE: Update Order and MAXDOP

    Hi, Kenneth

    I've discovered that even if the records are created in the same cluster index order, the UPDATE statement processing order is unpredictable:


  • RE: Update Order and MAXDOP


    The trouble is that the examples that I post in this forum is

    a very rough example just based on real problem, that includes

    many databases from my server.

    I would intend...

  • RE: Update Order and MAXDOP

    Matt, Thank you again

    You are absolutely right, but it doesn't explain the cause.

    I get your code and change the bold part.

    First I've added a Identity field in the table.


  • RE: Update Order and MAXDOP

    Hi, Matt.

    Matt, in the previous post, I already have placed a pratical application for Inner Join in that case, changing directly the Jeff's code.

    This one simple alteration twists completely the...

  • RE: Update Order and MAXDOP

    Hi, Jeff

    Thanks a lot for your help.

    You are absolutely right. I Put the loop because I would want to make some "wrong" result fastly.

    It's a kind a old programmer...

  • RE: Update Order and MAXDOP

    Thank you very much, Miller.

    Wow! It's completely crazy :w00t:

    I simplify the example (@Ord= @Ord +1) in order to the make the things clearer.

    Select * From #Sales or

    select *...

  • RE: Update Order and MAXDOP


    The output is the following

    Dt Venda Ord

    '20071001' 200 2

    '20071001' 100 1

    '20071001' 300 3

    '20071002' 400 3

    '20071002' 200 1

    '20071002' 300 2

    The "Ord" Field stays in the same order than "Venda" field

    The first...

  • RE: Update Order and MAXDOP

    Hi, Jeff 😎

    In my first post yesterday (Oct,9 22:20 pm), the example output that I want is the output that I get (Ord field respecting data + venda index...

  • RE: Update Order and MAXDOP

    Thanks, Jeff

    I would expect that #TVEN would shows ORD numbering

    was in the same index order (Dt + Venda).

    I don't uses option UNIQUE in CREATE INDEX because it's no impossible that...

  • RE: Update Order and MAXDOP

    Hi Matt,

    Thanks again.

    In my version (SQLServer 2000 - SP 4), it doesn't works double assignment.

    But, in any way, my example works OK.

    Unfortunaly my real code doesn't works...

  • RE: Update Order and MAXDOP

    Thanks for your answer.

    I already try that way, but it doesn't works!

    You can notice that, in my example, there is only one index, the clustered one!

    Remember that in my small...

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)