Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 24 total)

  • RE: Set Variable

    Thanks - this does work !

    The only problem I have with dynamic is that it gets real messy when you have a lot satements included in the same query like...

  • RE: Set Variable

    This is a sample of the code I will have this month and the code after for next month.

    The number of months I have is 61 so I will have...

  • RE: Set Variable

    Yes - I set the percentage for testing.

    I want to set the Field name Month1 to

    Month2 next month within the Query but I do

    not want to retype all Month1...

  • RE: Set Variable

    Here is the error message

    Server: Msg 194, Level 15, State 1, Line 23

    A SELECT INTO statement cannot contain a SELECT statement that assigns values to a variable.

  • RE: Set Variable

    I tried the @name1 = Month1 but it said it was not allowed to be set in a select into.

    I am trying to assign the Value in Month1

    to a variable...

  • RE: Set Variable

    Thanks for the Post.


  • RE: Field Size

    Thanks Guarddata - that work Great !

    I appreicate the current and past post .


  • RE: Field Size

    Can you set field size within this table create ?

    Thanks for your help. Rocko

  • RE: Field Size

    Here is the code. When I look at the table that is created it has varchar set to 8000.

    SELECT Distinct


    [Vin 8],...

  • RE: Field Size

    The [WILD CARD] field in the table that is created shows a filed size of 8000 varchar

    I do not know wht it does this - I wanted to know if...

  • RE: Field Size

    I have this logic that I create the field called [WILD CARD]. The table that I create with the Query has an output of 8000 varchar.

    Can I add the output...

  • RE: Key Items


  • RE: Key Items

    Thanks Jpipes. Rocko

  • RE: Key Items

    Here is an example. I want to have two fields as primary keys. Do I just add

    Primary key as stated ?

    SELECT distinct



  • RE: SQL Code in a Query

    Thanks jpipes !!!!!!!!!!!

    That works great !!


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 24 total)