Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 20 total)

  • RE: Clearing Server name in SQL Management Studio

    simply click the delete key when you have the server you wish to remove highlighted on the drop down server list 🙂

  • RE: tempdb and permaent tables

    Wouldn't worry to much

    you can find them as people mention above, but the tempdb is recreated every time the sql instance is restarted so they won't be there forever.

    Dont just...

  • RE: SSIS Lookup Transform Bulk insert error - stumped!

    The only way is to have a staging tables type system where you load all records and do comparison work on which require inserting.

    From the error it looks like the...

  • RE: last job that ran


    max(run_date) [LastRunDate]


    msdb.dbo.sysjobs sj

    inner join msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory sjh

    on sj.job_id =sjh.job_id

    inner join msdb.dbo.sysoperators so

    on sj.notify_email_operator_id =


  • RE: Deny Backup

    Thanks, thats what I thought, I'm in the process of reviewing the security on a sql instance which I've inherited, but currently one login has sysadmin rights and has been...

  • RE: Problems with unicode

    Thanks thats what i'm thinking, never been the most knowledgeable on Collations so this could prove quite catastrophic if I start messing around when really its not required

  • RE: Problems with unicode

    Correct its just taking the database collation of Latin_General_CI_AS,

    is there anything which I can do so this value could be updated or would it be a case of changing...

  • RE: Previously well-behaved query is now causing tempdb to choke up

    How large are the data set which its trying to update? small at 2k or 2million.

    you ,might want to look at carrying our the updates in a batched process happen...

  • RE: Batch loading using t-sql

    Excellent thanks I'll take a look

  • RE: domain login with dollar sign

    Thanks guys, thats exactly right, I believe they've been added to solve a login problem as quite a few of the servers were just running under a local accounts not...

  • RE: Problems with xp_cmdshell

    Cheers guys, I've still not sorted it, but I've decided to look at a different route now

    Thanks for the help though 🙂

  • RE: Problems with xp_cmdshell

    Thats really weird as it's using a domain account and it has sa admin right on windows server and sql server.

    All I really want to do is delete an old...

  • RE: SQL Access

    have they not given you the sa account credentials?

  • RE: How to release the unallocated sapce in database???

    Do not shrink the database shrink the file,

    if it doesn't release the space query the sys.databases catalog view and check the log_reuse_wait_desc column

    If it says nothing it should...

  • RE: Transaction Log Too Big and Won't Shrink

    Do you need the database to be in full recovery mode?, happen change the recovery mode to simple, and shrink the log file, then if needed return to full recovery...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 20 total)