Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1,006 through 1,020 (of 1,097 total)

  • RE: Batch BCP

    Putting the Go word after the second bcp?

  • RE: Orphaned SPID?

    I think that the server use it for internal functions. There's nothing you can do with them. I guess that you can't kill them either.

  • RE: Restore database screen waits for a drive

    I don't know the answer, but check a few days ago topics because someone gave the solution to the exact problem that yoy have.

  • RE: Checkalloc doesn't come back

    Did you run dbcc checkDB on those databases?

  • RE: SQL Agent problem

    Any error logged on the Event Viewer?


    A thread logs all the pending transactions in the Transaction log. SQL manages the times when this thread is fired, it depends on the free buffer memory and the time...


    Before the Checkpoint, the database is not syncronzed, the changes are saved in the Transaction log but not in the data files.

    After a checkpoint, all the transactions that are in...

  • RE: Reinstall SQL Server 7.0 SP3

    Do you have a backup of the registry? That would also help.

    If you can't make backup so I think that you can try dettaching the dbs. Do you have the...

  • RE: tempdb

    Do you have join sentences executing...remeber sql use tempdb to execute joins. Maybe you should check how the queries are builded and maybe consider checking indexes.

  • RE: Sql Server Backup Utility vs Third Party

    There are many options that come with the SQL backup utility. If you used them all I don't see why you would use a third party utility.

  • RE: Follow up of topics with zero replies

    Well done boys. I'm from Argentina and it been a short time since I reply to the topics.

    I spent most of the time submitting scripts, but I understand the need...

  • RE: New to SQL Server

    Also try books on line from SQL Server. To get help from the create database sentence search it in Books on line or Open Query analizer and type Create database,...

  • RE: DBCC SHRINKFILE question

    Every time you truncate the logs you should do a full backup. Because if a dissaster occurs the you won't be able to recover until the last minute, only until...

  • RE: More than 117 fields to go in via BCP?

    Can you post an example of the bcp command you used?

  • RE: BCP Utility

    the default sql server user name is sa with a null password. Check with Query analizer to log with that user.

    If they are correct, then use that info to execute...

Viewing 15 posts - 1,006 through 1,020 (of 1,097 total)