Forum Replies Created

Viewing 11 posts - 196 through 206 (of 206 total)

  • RE: sp_add_jobstep

    Thanks for the validation mom. It's amazing what you can do with @@servername, sysservers and a parameterized table in order to run sp's on remote servers.

  • RE: sp_add_jobstep

    Have you considered making the "few lines of T-SQL" into stored procedure and then executing that?

    DECLARE @commandtext varchar(2000)

    SET @commandtext = 'myStpreProc'

    exec sp_add_jobstep @command = @commandtext

  • RE: Reprocess a cube and dimensions automatically

    Thanks, the DTS solution worked like a charm.

  • RE: Connecting via JDBC to SQL2K gets this message

    Can you provide a little more detail? For instance, what is your code to establish the connection?


    dab the dba


    The following should work also:

    select sum(cnt) from

    ( select  count(*) cnt from Table1

    UNION all

    select count(*) from Table2 where  Custid = 87312

    ) a

  • RE: Converting text file to Visual Foxpro File Format

    Once you've created your package, you will need two connections, one for your SQL server and one for Dbase iii/iv. In the 'Connection' pane click the icons to create the...

  • RE: Converting text file to Visual Foxpro File Format

    I discovered over a year ago that either with the Export Wizard in EM or with a DTS package, you can export SQL data to Visual Fox Pro with the...

  • RE: increment of key

    I had a similar situation and had to go the parameter table route and it was not that difficult. For each model number you will have a "last model id"...

  • RE: Alphabetize fields in a table

    By "Alphabatize the fields" do they mean return a resultset with the fields in order or they just want a sorted list of fields in a table?

    For the first scenario, just...

  • RE: SQL Mail

    I've found xp_sendmail and the SQL Mail agent at best inconcistent and not very reliable. Instead I've used vbscript and CDONTS or java and the javaMail API. Either one is...

  • RE: Is all code really code? One question from an interview

    Seeing as I get this question almost daily I turn the question back on the developer usually such as: Define not getting the expected results? Are you expecting a small...

Viewing 11 posts - 196 through 206 (of 206 total)