Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 54 total)

  • RE: Report Writers for MSSQL

    After browsing that list it still comes down to needing to understand T-Sql.  And it's "than" not "then" as in "command friendly then T-SQL?" should read "command friendly than T-SQL?" ...

  • RE: Defining Column Names

    After the system reequirements ( see BOL) everything else is convention.  Never use single character column names unless you are into pain.  Whatever you come up with keep it consistent. ...

  • RE: Detailed Test Poll

    When I joined the company things were in a bit of flux.  Mostly test by production was done but there were a few cases where a test DB was used...

  • RE: Who Tests the Code Testers?

    Since I started my carreer as a hardware test tech and moved to test engineering, I've always been hyper aware of writing software that can be tested and in fact...

  • RE: Blast From The Past

    This year marks my 30th year as a computer professional, and while I did once drive a truck for Bechtel Power Corp, the closest I got to the nuclear power...

  • RE: Question of the Day for 03 Feb 2006

    Well I answered based on my C programming days,  The answer is indeterminant because the value of @r is uninitialized.   I couldn't say for certain what the answer would be...

  • RE: Checking to see if Table is being processed

    Sounds like you could use another table with lock columns that are set and cleared by insert/update triggers and post insert/update triggers, beyond that you could monitor the lock status...

  • RE: how to find out duplicate entries?

    select column1, column2,column3,column4,column5,column6 from tblone where column1 in

    (select column1 from tblone

    group by column1

    having count(column1) > 1)


    column5 in (select column5 from tblone

    group by column5

    having count(column5) > 1)

    order by column1, column2...

  • RE: Send Emails without using MS Exchange

    I'm sorry but installing a dll on the SQL server qualifies as installing software to me.  Am I wrong?  However the smtp method is the least intrusive, you only need...

  • RE: A Career Poll

    I was working as a driver developer for DataProducts in 1998 and I'd just put the finishing touches on a patent when I got a call from a head hunter.  The...

  • RE: Persons of the Year

    Having stated in a previous editorial that I don't believe that Bill Gates was that influential, I stand corrected.  As much as I dislike (disdain is more like it) Microsoft in...

  • RE: Pulling My Hair Out

    Well this thread has been done to death but my 2 Cents anyway.

    I've worked on every MS OS that has come out since DOS 2.0 and I've never been real...

  • RE: Away From SQL

    Ok so to relax I run Science Fiction conventions.  I'm a mamber of the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society and we put on Science Fiction Conventions.  Since we are a literary...

  • RE: SQL Server 2005 is Here!!!!!

    The LA event had at least 4000 people at the Anaheim Convention Center.  We filled one of the big halls downstairs for the keynote and developers and the big hall...

  • RE: General questions that he should know.

    Having worked with SQl Server for about 5 years, I didn't know the answer to those questions either.  However I know where to find the answers.  Sometimes when you're working...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 54 total)