Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)

  • RE: The Bulb Man

    So Mike C not a 24 fan? Jack Bauer is the newer tougher MacGyver. Heck MacGyver would never shoot a gun.

  • RE: The Bulb Man

    For the trapped in a room question. Do I have a cell phone with me? Because if so then I want to call Jack Bauer to come get...

  • RE: The Bulb Man

    Enter the 1st room and turn the light on.

    Enter the 2nd room and turn the light on -- wait an extended amount of time (2hrs?) then turn the light off.


  • RE: One Red Paper Clip

    I offer a pencil with a bite mark in it from John Voight (the orthodontist not the actor).

    !Please Note - this is a joke for all the Seinfeld fans out...

  • RE: issues connecting to oracle..

    When you run the DTS package as a job you aer running it under a different user than when you log in directly to the DTS package. I forget...

  • RE: Customer Service

    I support Steve's email even the last line. Sometimes you don't want customers who will never be happy. If the guy does register and ends up being a...

  • RE: Which One Do You Want?

    The cars I would love to own:

    The New M6. I think it is dues out this summer. I am not sure if it will be avaliable as a...

  • RE: DTS package connection is looping through but not changing server connection

    Could the SQL Execute task be holding onto the connection from the first, so that even though you are chaning the connection properties it is still connected to the original...

  • RE: First Poll for 2006

    Fat, Drunk and Stupid is no way to go through life, Son!

  • RE: First Poll for 2006

    "He is speaking to hear himself think."

    and lastly from Risky Business

    "Sometimes you just gotta say what the ... !"

  • RE: How to run a windows service triggered by a change in the database?

    Could you set up a recurring DTS package to poll for a changed? Having it launch every 5 minutes or so and shutdown if nothing has changed?

  • RE: DTS Hashing

    Can you guys elaborate on integrated security or point me in a direction to learn more about this? Thanks.

    Also, as a side not another way I have created the...

  • RE: Can Temporary Tables be used in DTS Packages?

    Depending on how you are going to use the tables you might want to consider using a work table instead.

    As Jeffrey mentions above you will need to drop...

  • RE: Rentention Part 5 - Finding Your Job

    Also, you must be careful that you are getting the correct info on the right person. Sometimes that can be difficult with the Internet.

    For example we goggled...

  • RE: What Sarbanes-Oxley Won''t Do

    So SOX is just like a bribe for the Accounting and Auditing firms out there?

    Plus, I am sure the folks who invested and worked at Enron wish they...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)