Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 331 through 345 (of 346 total)

  • RE: Job history file

    sorry, let's try it again...

    Enterprise manager->server name->management->SQL Server Agent --right click, property -->Job system.

    This works on SQL 7 and SQL 2000.


  • RE: Job history file

    Here is how you can look at what is current set up for job history:

    Enterprise Manager-->Server of interest -->management -->job system

    This will show the number of maximum job history...

  • RE: xp_sendmail with @query parameter

    This is really weird. How about login as sa and try to execute your same command. I just wonder if it still give you that error. We...

  • RE: DBA Functions

    It depends. Are you a development dba or production dba. development dba are usually very busy working on current project with other people to make sure table and...

  • RE: xp_sendmail with @query parameter

    Have you tried to schedule it and have sa or the service account for SQL Agent own that task.

    The otherway to go arround it is to give your...

  • RE: DTSRun.exe Failed to Initialize

    Have you try to send mail out using query analyser and check to see if it still give you the same error?

  • RE: server migration question

    We do hardware replacement every year. we usually have 2 servers to work with. The old server 'A' with old hardware and the new server 'AX1' with new...

  • RE: What did you do before SQL?

    I used to be a janitor when I am 7 yrs old.

    My first job in the morning is to clean the bathroom. I also went to market to buy...

  • RE: How old are you?

    I haven't got to 30 yet but working on it.

    Married with 2 babies (2yrs girl and 13 months boy). I am a full time mom/wife/general contractor as well as...

  • RE: Service Accounts Permissions gotcha's

    It is quiet possible, but we have a strick guidline as far as what software can be install in any server. I have not try change the service account...

  • RE: Service Accounts Permissions gotcha's

    We don't have that software install on any of our system. I also went out and search for that file in binn directory on local server as well as...

  • RE: Service Accounts Permissions gotcha's

    Error from sql server log:

    Cannot load the DLL xp_logattach.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).

  • RE: Service Accounts Permissions gotcha's

    We are trying to experiment with this idea as well.

    1st Create a complety new login domain service account.

    2nd we added that user to the local user group.


  • RE: Default Parameter Value


    I think we post about the same time. As for your recommendation It works as well but I have never taken that approach.


  • RE: Default Parameter Value

    create PROCEDURE test_sp

    @SchoolNum int=NULL --sorry I like integer instead nvarchar(3). I think it is more efficient.


    if (@SchoolNum is null)


    select @SchoolNum = '190'


    select @SchoolNum


    exec test_sp

    --will give you result...

Viewing 15 posts - 331 through 345 (of 346 total)