Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 316 through 330 (of 346 total)

  • RE: Unable to increase size of varchar column

    Just a though, if you can't increase the size, have you try to re-name the table and recreate the same name table with that size and then import the data...

  • RE: Questions on upgrade from 7.0 to 2000

    I think backup/restore is the easiest because you still have your old database in the old place just in case you need to look at the old stuff again. ...

  • RE: Copy users and roles

    yes you can. There are also tools that you can use to do this. It depends if you have them available at your site.




    How did you take your approach? I want to learn from you too.

    I was grumbling my response was a bit not too well. Brian was right though....

  • RE: Limit access to SQL Servers


    You are right.:)




    If you really do have no say, then say nothing. At the same time don't give any more permission then what they already have. Just told them that...

  • RE: Test Data

    I just though, if you were to extract data for a test database why don't you just create a test database on your server and put some data in there....

  • RE: Standby server setup in STD edition.

    You certainly could do more log backup and right after the log backup finish, copy the file to the standby server and issue restore command with no_recovery. All of...

  • RE: xp_sendmail

    I haven't read any article, but here is how I set it up.

    1. verify that domain\account exist as an email box.

    2. verify that sql-agent service account has access to that...

  • RE: Server: Msg 8152, Level 16, State 9

    How about open your stored procedure up and look for the code that start with insert ....

    look at the table difinition to see what what type of data and how...

  • RE: Update

    Because of time constraint and the number of record in each table, you could also copy the table over to the server that you want to grind. I was...

  • RE: 6.5 to 2000 migration problem

    If upgrate wizard doesn't work why don't do you import/export wizard? Last year I've done hundreds of 6.5 upgrade and I didn't have use upgrade wizard because it was...

  • RE: backup failure

    Just a though, Why would we use maintenance plan? How do we know if 1 or all of the backup job failed? If you were to set...

  • RE: on-line backup

    SQL Server does not require you to take the server offline for backup. You can back it up anytime. However it will slow down user process if there...

  • RE: Linked Server And Terminal Services

    The advantage that I found is just using select and insert sql statement to move data between local and link server is faster then DTS. DTS has more chance...

Viewing 15 posts - 316 through 330 (of 346 total)