Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 30 total)

  • RE: Job Running Status permission

    We are having the same issue here as we are tighting security and need to give them ability to run and view agent jobs, however I would have to see...

  • RE: SQL 2005 backup maintenance plans failing

    I do not belive that 3042 resolves the issue because I am running sp2 for sql server 2005. I have build this server from scratch and did not restore...



    For some reason my syntax did not copy how I had it. I have the syntax you guys are trying to show me. I used RESTORE FILELISTONLY...

  • RE: Implicit Conversions

    I feel the same way, in addition note the wording:

    This is an example of an implicit conversion. In this case, an error is returned as the varchar is converted to...

  • RE: Backup error message sql server 2000


    You make that sound so easy ! I know it was a denied error but I was curious why these error and warning messages came up and made it...

  • RE: Script to apply pending logs


    With all do respect it definetly matters. It matters on how successful you will be in searching for your answer. What I meant by my post was...

  • RE: Script to apply pending logs


    1) I think you are posting an oracle database question in sql server world 😛

    2) This is not a fundemental question..:)

  • RE: Tempdb growing very large

    I can not tell you how its working exactly regarding your tempdb , however I can say in tempdb when you are doing extensive joins and grouping work once the...

  • RE: Trying to move the entire SQL install to another drive

    I stand corrected. I was not aware of that, I apologize in advance. Learn something new everyday.

  • RE: Maintenance Plans

    I agree with you that the information is taken from sysdbmaintplans and also enterntain the thought that the update from the system table did not occur, however the observation that...

  • RE: Trying to move the entire SQL install to another drive


    If I understand this correctly, you have backed up your system and user db's and re-installed the sql server files to go unto your d: and then you said you...


    Hey Guys,

    Thanks alot for your feeback I really appreciate it. I talked to Info Sec regarding the roaming profile and they said it usually happens on unsuccessful logins. ...

  • RE: Full-Text Search

    This is on a sql server 2000 system. I just recieved an update from work and found out that if you execute the install mssetupstp.exe and ftsetup.exe from service...

  • RE: Connectivity Issue

    Dear SQL guy,

    Your issue is described vaguley. Please provide the 2 enviornments 2000 or 2005 or is both the same?

    Do you have a link account set up? How...

  • RE: At what size db does it make sense to split into multiple files?

    Hello gentelmen,

    I am no where near the expertise level you guys obviously portray , however in my intermediate DBA experience I have also come to realize when you have a...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 30 total)