Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 22 total)

  • RE: Passing huge parameter to linked server

    This is SQL query that is getting executing in L1 (linked server).

    DELETE a

    FROM L2.dbname.dbo.Remote_Table1 a

    WHERE a.ID = @ID


    (SELECT b.invoiceId

    FROM Local_Table1 b

    INNER JOIN Local_Table2 c...

  • RE: passing parameters to stored procedure through OPENQUERY

    Thank you All.

    This is SQL query that is getting executing in L1 (linked server).

    DELETE a

    FROM L2.dbname.dbo.Remote_Table1 a

    WHERE a.ID = @ID

    AND EXISTS ...

  • RE: Asking Username and Password to connect to SSRS 2008 machine


    The user is making asynchronize call to SSRS reports from webbrowser. And the call is just sending the parameters I mentioned to SSRS Reports, mean time the user can work...

  • RE: Composite Primary Key

    Hi All,

    Thank you so much for your valueable information.


  • RE: OpenQuery()


    No, its just in local system and I used windows account/sql server account to create linked server.



  • RE: Hiding column information

    Sort of...

    Here the user should able to see the column (SSN) but the data should be hidden.

    It that possible ?


  • RE: Database Recovery

    Hi Gail,

    select name, is_read_only, is_auto_close_on, is_auto_shrink_on, is_in_standby, is_cleanly_shutdown, recovery_model, state_desc

    from sys.databases where name = 'WORKSPACE'


    WORKSPACE 0 0 0 0 0 3 ONLINE

    The WORKSPACE database is not corrupted, it works fine once recovered 100%. Only thing...

  • RE: Database Recovery

    Thanks Paul.

    Inside log file I don't see the following messages for the available databases when I restart sql server service.


    2008-08-24 15:10:57.07 spid3s ...

  • RE: Message: Timeout expired

    Yes frequently (1-6 times).

    Finally I went to SQL Server (SQL Express) ---> properties --->

    connections ---> Allow remote connection to this server = set to 0 (default 600).

    Now I don't...

  • RE: CacheRemove

    Check your database in which your stored procedure was running, set the auto_close option to false.

    Good Luck!


  • RE: dynamic sql in a function

    I don't use these functions in a set based queires, only used for verification purposes/pre-checks.

    Thanks guys, thanks miller.


  • RE: SQL Server Express very slow with simple quries


    Try this on database you are running queries.

    alter database set AUTO_CLOSE OFF

  • RE: dynamic sql in a function

    Thank you so much for your valuable suggestions.

    Final question:

    There are lots of scenarios at my work where I have to use this type of code, so I wrote procedures instead...

  • RE: dynamic sql in a function

    Hi All,

    This is one of the example code.

    create table dbo.employee(ename nvarchar(32))

    insert dbo.employee values('Sri')

    insert dbo.employee values('Mike')

    declare @tablename nvarchar(128), @column_name nvarchar(32), @value nvarchar(32)

    declare @emp_status bit


  • RE: Dead lock issue


    begin transaction

    if not exists(select [name] from workspace.sys.tables (UPDLOCK ) where [name] = 'sri')


    create table workspace.dbo.sri(empno int)


    if @@error > 0

    rollback transaction


    commit transaction

    Is this code looks...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 22 total)