Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 366 total)

  • RE: Running SQL Server 2005 on 4 Dual-Core CPUs 64 bit

    Question Answered - The base cd's for the x64 os already has sp1 applied.

  • RE: Backup from SQL 2000, restore to 2005 - will it work?

    You can restore a sql 2000 (or 7) database straight onto a sql 2005 server.

    Watch the compatibility mode as I seem to remember it stays at the old level. Hence if you want...

  • RE: Running SQL Server 2005 on 4 Dual-Core CPUs 64 bit

    I was just checking the config for the x64 sql server 2005 server install , and see that is say you need windows 2003 sp1. I can't find any reference to...

  • RE: login to mssql2k on win2003 from linux/php

    Check the sql server log file to see if the sql server service could take the port. Sometimes other applications take the port before sql, and this is reported in...

  • RE: login to mssql2k on win2003 from linux/php

    What edition of sql server are you using? If MSDE the network libraries are disabled as part of the install.

    Was it installed with tcp-ip?

    You can check the sql server...

  • RE: disabling windows account login.

    No, as the account which runs the sql server service needs access to the sql server.

  • RE: SQL Server 2000 SP4

    I have it on one (new) prod msde install, and a couple of dev boxes.

    Waiting for the AWE and SQLDiag fix prior to upgrading older servers, as I try and...

  • RE: what log does what?

    Have you got the -m startup switch set on the sql server in question?

    (Right click on the server name in EM and choose properties. Then startup parameters)

  • RE: Permissions

    Public access gives the user what ever permissions are assigned to the public role.

    You can have one database owner, but many people in the dbo group.

    dbo's have full access to...

  • RE: @@Servername, Developer Edition, XP Pro

    I was thinking of the version info going, with the reg keys above.

    To get rid of the null I usually use the following, code

    exec sp_dropserver '<oldname>'

    exec sp_addserver '<newname>',...

  • RE: @@Servername, Developer Edition, XP Pro

    The only time I have seen this is when certain registry keys have been deleted. ie the \CurrentVersion and \Parameters ones



  • RE: Bad execution plan and wrong result by SQL SERVER

    I'd suggest rewriting the reqery using ANSI-92 e.g.

    SELECT count(*)



       ON E.GUIA = G.HANDLE and G.PEG= 752074




    Collation can be set at field level on the table.

  • RE: SP4

    I have just tried sqldiag on my developer edition xp2 destop and got the same error

  • RE: SP4

    I've installed it on my developement machine (xp sp2) , and had one problem  in replsys.out, which I sorted. Once installed no issues at all

    Login failed for user '<my account>. Reason:...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 366 total)