Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 36 total)

  • RE: ODBC Password

    Thanks for that Michael. Got the package config working however have a new problem....trying to write out to a file and getting the error

    'The output column "ColumnName (xxxx) does not...

  • RE: ODBC Error 3146

    Hi All,

    Thanks for the responses. It seems as though the problem sorted itself once I changed the provider in the connection string. Initiallly it was using ODBC. What a head-ache...

  • RE: ODBC Error 3146

    Hi Stephen,

    I have switched the code to ADO but don't seem to be any better off. In fact the stored procedure seems to kick the bucket rather than completing entirely...

  • RE: dbcc shrinkfile

    Defragging the tables and indexes in the database only increased the amount of unused space in the database. Switching to full recovery mode didn't make a difference. Truncateonly and notruncate...

  • RE: Matrix Subtotal Column Headings

    Thats the easy part...what about multiple data columns, is there a way to name each one individually?

  • RE: Give users ability to export data

    After much agonising.....I finally built a web app to extract the data which simply called the stored procedure then output the data to a text file using a stream writer....

  • RE: Manually Grow Database?

    Thanks for the responses! Since I was already taking file growth measurements I implemented a process to notify me when free space dropped below a certain level so I can...

  • RE: Less records according to Enterprise Manager

    Hi Leon,

    Attempted both but still have the same problem of Enterprise

    manager not reporting all rows. I ran sp_spaceused with the object name and it returned the same number of rows...

  • RE: Restoring Database of 99GB ... if this take so long?

    Thanks for the tips all...particularly the posting on the backup/restore tools....very handy.



  • RE: Restoring Database of 99GB ... if this take so long?

    How long it takes would depend on a number of factors Im guessing. Such as where you are restoring from (disk or tape), cpu's , RAM etc. I have a...

  • RE: Access ADP

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion I guess. When you have a group of power users who may want to do one thing one week, then another the next its...

  • RE: Access ADP

    I agree totally that a user shouldnt have access to the most cases. However, I'm looking for a better way to support our advanced users in the finance team....

  • RE: Null report parameter

    Hi All,

    Thanks for the responses...but after much digging I found the solution to be as follows:

    iif( Parameters!FromDate.Value is nothing .....

    Im still cutting my teeth with designing reports in...

  • RE: SQL Services Account

    Essentially we have done the same thing. If you had changed your services to run under the domain account via EM, then apparently all the correct permissions are applied to...

  • RE: SQL Services Account

    Hi All,

    Thank you all for your responses. Its been an interesting ride....and the ride hasn't stopped. Basically we created a Domain account then added this account to start all the...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 36 total)