Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 4,036 through 4,050 (of 4,079 total)


    It ain't pretty, but it's a start. This will run faster than doing it with a cursor or a while loop.

    You'll probably need to create another cte...

  • RE: Converting rows into columns

    Maynor, looks like you need to PIVOT. There is another recent thread on that subject. Check it out.


    Left Joins or WHERE NOT EXISTS are the ways to go. Here's why.

    I ran a little experiment using the LEFT JOIN technique versus EXCEPT. The...

  • RE: How do I create a conditional counter?

    CREATE TABLE #Conditional


    StartDate datetime,

    value float,

    x int


    INSERT INTO #Conditional

    VALUES ('08/10/2008 01:48', 3, 0) -- starting out with a zero value in the new "x" column



    declare @b-2...


    Jack's right. Good eye!

    For what it's worth, I always use the left join format too. It's simple to remember, fast to execute, and easy...


    Well, to start with the outputs are different. Exists returns a true/false value, whereas except returns a set of 0-n rows. Why would you...

  • RE: select count

    This is not an optimal table design for doing what you want in SQL. It would be easier if your table was like this:

    userName ...

  • RE: Condensing an improperly written SP

    From the looks of things, all but two of the subqueries in your WHERE clause are used only to determine if a column has a match in another table. ...

  • RE: How to create trigger for custom Primary Key field?

    Shame on you.

    You are taking what should be three different columns and making one column out of them. Keeping date and sequence separate in your db...

  • RE: Optimizing Physical Temp Tables

    If you simply truncate a table, indexes still exist but are empty. They are reloaded when you reload the underlying table.

    Yes, building or loading indexes takes work, which...

  • RE: SQL Query - join table

    Okay... so much for theory. I ran the code at the bottom (without DBCC FREEPROCCACHE or DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS) and saw no significant IO differences against the base...

  • RE: Updating table based on coalesce reults in where clause?

    My bad. I didn't catch that the middle post was also from you. I see how using "AA" without a term qualification got you where...

  • RE: Updating table based on coalesce reults in where clause?

    Hey Craig:

    By definition, in your joins, "A" only produces a set of rows for Fall 2008, just as "A2" can only return Summer 2008. As...

  • RE: Opinions on putting Insert and Update code into same proc

    I've seen it done both ways. No best answer, it really depends on whether or not there is a hard and fast rule that says if-exists-then-update/if-not-exists-then-insert. ...

  • RE: Speed or Value?

    Nobody has unlimited budgets, so price is always a limiting factor. Therefore I cast my vote on the price/performance side of the house. Not that he needs...

Viewing 15 posts - 4,036 through 4,050 (of 4,079 total)