Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 28 total)

  • RE: Heroes

    For me the person who most embodies the definition of hero, is Lenny Skutnik

    I remember when the Air Florida plane hit the bridge across the Potomac in Washington on...

  • RE: How do you handle halfwit developers?

    Referring to anyone as "halfwit" shows you to be a poor human being, and probably explains why you have problems.

    Fitting name by the way.


  • RE: Removing TABS & NEWLINE from text field

    Thanks Jesper, you is the man.

    I knew of the REPLACE function, but hadn't thought about the fact that tab & newline have char values.

    I really appreciate your help, many thanks...

  • RE: Open table( I only want to return x amount of rows)

    Hi Greg, see my reply to Bill Turner's post on the same subject... don't know if this helps you.

    best regards,



    Hi Bill,

    I can't see that you can do a SELECT TOP n like you could in 2000, but you can do this:

    Right-click  tablename> OPEN TABLE

    Right-click in RESULTS PANE >...

  • RE: sp_send_dbmail error

    Hi AJ,

    Please can you confirm that you have enabled Database Mail OK and that it is JUST the @QUERY parameter that is throwing things out for you?

    Do other sp_send_dbmail queries...

  • RE: Where''''s my TRIGGER gone?

    Cheers Markus! I'll get used to it eventually.... still having trouble working my way round BOL....

  • RE: First Poll for 2006

    Kids are like farts. You can stand your own, but nobody else's.......

    (People with kids will appreciate that one!)

  • RE: Thank you for the music...

    DOH!! Bored AND stupid!

    Can you see it now? Revel in the luxuriousness of that mane....

    Merry Crimbo by the way!

  • RE: Why Steve Jones'''' Editorials Suck

    I think we all know nerds who are FANTASTIC at SQL, but can't muster a decent conversation with their workmates.  It's all about being human, being a good person -...

  • RE: And now for something completely different...

    For me, it's Michael Palin as Pontius Pilate in LIFE OF BRIAN trying to keep a straight face when berating the soldiers for laughing at his friend's name (you know the...

  • RE: Fair Use?

    Do you mind if I borrow your soapbox? I've got a pile of soap that needs tidying away.....

  • RE: Fair Use?

    Each book has a statement of copyright in the first few pages - to ignore it and copy it anyway and wait for someone to complain is the height of...

  • RE: I know it''''s a long shot, but.......

    Also, if any of you lot ever use my keyboard, PLEASE DON'T EAT AT THE SAME TIME....


    I'm really enjoying this spleen venting...!!



  • RE: Login failed for user ''''NTAUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE''''


    I stand to be corrected, but I really don't think you need the NTAUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE login in SQL SERVER. Why do you think it needs to be in there somewhere?


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 28 total)