Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 151 total)

  • RE: Query Help?


    Had a thought: Union?

    SELECT A.Name, A.ID, B.Name

    FROM #temp1 A

    JOIN #temp1 B

    ON A.ID = B.ID

    AND A.Name > B.Name


    SELECT Name, ID, Name

    FROM #temp1

    GROUP BY Name, ID

    HAVING COUNT(*) > 1

  • RE: Query Help?


    Sorry, busy day, I missed that. For 2K, my first thought is to use either a table variable or temp table with an identity. Definitely not the most efficient nor...

  • RE: import wizard wont insert NULL values into datetime field

    Is it empty, or does it say "NULL" in the text file?

  • RE: How to pass optional parameters in a web service task in SSS?

    I don't know your webservice, but a parameter needs to be of a specific type when sent to a stored procedure. The only way to send a null (that I...

  • RE: Query Help?

    Okay... that might be what I missed. Wouldn't a simple CTE solve that? And if you wanted only a distinct "John - Jane" add a distinct keyword?

    create table #temp1



  • RE: Query Help?

    In my solution I show 3 names for ID 5.

  • RE: Query Help?


    Then I am missing the intent. This lists every unique combination only once.

    create table #temp1


    name varchar(10),

    ID int



  • RE: Query Help?

    Okay, I may be under-thinking this, or I may just be to lazy, but wouldn't this work?:

    create table #temp1


    name varchar(10),

    ID ...

  • RE: isdate priority

    Personally, I like the Case method better. The execution plan is the same as for the CTE, but to me it is easier to see what is going on.

    select CASE...

  • RE: Book recommendation on going independant

    I have to agree with Steve. Keep your eyes out for short term contracts. You can build up your network of potential customers while getting a somewhat stable income. If...

  • RE: SSRS help: non-queried parameters / multiple values

    Doesn't really matter as far as difficulty. What you need to be concerned with is performance. My guess (in other words check for yourself) is that given as small as...

  • RE: SSRS help: non-queried parameters / multiple values

    If you use a stored procedure instead it will send the parameter as a delimited string. You can then parse the string in TSQL (into a temp table, for example)...

  • RE: What he's really saying is he doesn't need the job

    Dave (4/24/2009)

    Timothy J Hartford (4/23/2009)

    In polite conversation I would read that as concern.

    Not to belabor the point, but there are some things in some situations that it is impossible...

  • RE: What he's really saying is he doesn't need the job

    Dave (4/23/2009)

    Timothy J Hartford (4/23/2009)

    "Please consider attached resume for posted position.

    Not only that, but I believe that this individual, by replying with HELPFUL CRITICISM instead of sarcasm, with all...

  • RE: What he's really saying is he doesn't need the job

    "Please consider attached resume for posted position.

    Also, I would like to draw your attention to what I feel are sever deficiencies with regards to your resume submission web app....

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 151 total)