Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)

  • RE: Fatal error 625 - Connection broken problem (Help needed)

    Hello everyone,

    My developer changed the delete statement to the following, which has cleared up the fatal error problem. (followed JDixon's suggestion)

    string SomeID="0";

    strsql="select id from DVD_I_Have where userid="+Session["userid"].ToString()+" and DVDID="+DVDID+" and onhold=0";








  • RE: Fatal error 625 - Connection broken problem (Help needed)

    Hi SQLBill,

    Thanks for the reply! here's what I got...

    Run this query:

    SELECT ServerProperty('Edition'),




    Have you checked the Windows Event Viewer Logs for related error messages?How...

  • RE: Fatal error 625 - Connection broken problem (Help needed)

    Thank you for the quick replies!

    Lowell, the error message is consistent - I get it every time I execute the above statement.

    As far as the complexity of the statement goes, its my developers...

  • RE: Need some help with a select statement

    Much thanks to everyone that replied!

    I used Lowells statement as it did return all entries regardless of the time entered, and since I only need to run it once per day, (although appreciated!) the...

  • RE: SQL statement help needed (2)

    Hey Frank, not a problem. Thanks for the help and I look forward to your input the next time i'm stuck.

    Take Care,


  • RE: SQL statement help needed (2)

    Ah but Frank - I did provide feedback that my problem was solved  in a earlier post!


    I took your advice - found what I  needed - it worked great!

  • RE: SQL statement help needed (2)

    I hear you! The worst part of running a website is having to repeat the same information over and over again to your customers.


  • RE: SQL statement help needed (2)

    Boy Frank, you germans are so demanding

    I took your advice - found what I  needed - it worked great!

  • RE: SQL Statement help needed!

    Hi Frank,

    It's not very likely. I am thinking of adding the UK and Australia to my service, but I would not venture outside of providing services for   countries which do not have english...

  • RE: SQL Statement help needed!

    Thanks gdefi, between wz700 and yourself you both made my day!.

    The statement works perfectly and functions exactly as intended. It will certainly add a  professional touch to my monthly e-mail updates,...

  • RE: SQL Statement help needed!

    wz700.  Once again you were bang on and the statement worked fine, but regretfully my program won't pickup the new column created by the count function because it's not defined in...

  • RE: SQL Statement help needed!

    Thanks very much wz700, it worked like a charm.

    Now that you have helped me accomplish that function, Could you tell me if it would be possible to calculate the number of duplicate...

  • RE: SQL command help needed

    Jay thanks for the reply,

    I know very little about stored procedures but I'll try and figure it out and put it to work. Is it possible to get the results...

  • RE: Table design / Relationship problem

    David - Npeters thanks for the reply,

    David - the FK is a single column so I won't have a problem there.

    Npeters - The reason I want to create a separate...

  • RE: Table design / Relationship problem

    Thanks for the reply David,

    I read it in a posting on a SQL related site. I am glad to hear the PK can be used in more than 1 table...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)