Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

  • RE: SQL Server 2005 Beta 2 Is Out!!!

    AMD Operton 64


  • RE: SQL2000 Stored Procedures run WAY slower than straight TSQL Queries?

    i had the same problem once.

    The problem might be wrong execution plans.

    a)Sometimes query optimizer chooses wrong plans.

    b)You might consider changing variable data types

    (Because if the data type of the variable...

  • RE: DELETE all rows exept the last five


    where LogID not in


    select top 5 LogID

    from TBL

    order by DateLogged desc


  • RE: Excrypting Database Objects

    That script only decrypts a limited sized code. There is also a program which is capable of decrypting bigger scripts..

  • RE: Excrypting Database Objects

    Encrption works but it is very easy to decrypt it...

    There is a tsql script that decrypts it

    create PROCEDURE sp_decrypt_sp (@objectName varchar(50))


    DECLARE @OrigSpText1 nvarchar(4000), @OrigSpText2 nvarchar(4000) , @OrigSpText3...

  • RE: Sorting Columns

    if columns have only A,B,C VALUES (Or limited variations)

    if the problem is so simple; i offer u to use some kind of mathematical Total Approach.

    Hope this Helps.







    WHEN 'A'...

  • RE: Retrieve Last Record

    Generally speaking,

    Using SCOPE_IDENTITY() function is much better than @@IDENTITY

    because the table you inserted might have triggers and triggers may insert data to other tables having identity columns.

    So You get...

  • RE: irregular @@rowcount behavior

    @@rowcount may be effected by the changes in the trigger code of the table you updated

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)