Forum Replies Created

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

  • RE: Idempotent

    I learnt the term idempotent a few years ago, even though I ensured my code was re-runable long before that.

    Personally, I don't trust version numbers in a database, they are...

  • RE: Memories of 2013

    There's been so much this year, I really can't decide out of three big ones:

    1. Moving a production system to Azure with AlwaysOn, first steps into the cloud

    2. Being solely...

  • RE: A New Look

    I agree with many other posters, it's too narrow and I have to scroll too much.

    I would also recommend not following design guidelines laid out by Microsoft, there's not been...

  • RE: Why SQL Server?

    I used to be a Sys Admin and fell into administering SQL Server at the same time, I'd only worked for smaller businesses at the time. Because the network wasn't...

  • RE: Configuring SQL Server 2008 R2 Change Data Capture with SSAS

    Thanks for the info Daniel. I think I'll not reseach SSAS any further.

    I'm going to:

    1. Configure CDC

    2. Use SSIS to import the changes into history tables in the reporting database


  • RE: Create Insert for Existing Rows


    I've set @Cmd to NVARCHAR(MAX), the limitations of sp_executesql are only that of server memory or 2GB.

    The number of rows is irrelevant as the @Cmd value only has the column...

  • RE: Create Insert for Existing Rows

    This will still work in SQL 2005, not in 2000 as I've used FOR XML.

    I should probably check the dates a little better next time though, I only looked at...

  • RE: Create Insert for Existing Rows

    You can accomplish the same task using a set based approach which should perform considerably quicker.

    It does work with text and ntext data types, but not image. I have no...

  • RE: Best Practices Clinic: Part 5

    Contest Entry


    Query #1 & #2


    -- Assuming you have a unique ID for each article.....

    CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX idx_AnalysisLog_ArticleID ON dbo.AnalysisLog (ArticleID) INCLUDE ([Count]);


    -- Wrap in a transaction to ensure multiple...

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)