Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 109 total)

  • RE: Normalize a table or use a View with a Union Query

    I comply with what you have done, keeping three tables.

    He who knows others is learned but the wise one is one who knows himself.

  • RE: Database Offline

    Try this.

    Detach the database and attach it again using the sp_attach_single_file_db command

    this would recreate the log file.

    Tell me if this would help.

    On secnd thought is the database showing suspect status...

  • RE: pivot rows to column

    select col1,hotel.dbo.ftest(col1)

    from test

    group by col1

    alter function ftest(@col1 int)

    returns varchar(1000)



    declare @m varchar(1000)

    set @m=''

    select @m=@m+','+col2 from test where col1=@col1

    return substring(@m,2,len(@m))


    He who knows others is learned...

  • RE: Problem Accessing SQl Server Database via ASP.

    I am able to connect via both ASP and VB if I use TCP/IP.However named pipes don't work.

    Any reasons that prevents ASP pages from connecting when Named pipes is used.


  • RE: Views or Stored Procedures to view data

    One more advantage that stored procedures may have above views is that their execution plans can checked.

    He who knows others is learned but the wise one is one who knows...

  • RE: Reading data from an XML File

    Try using using OPENXML.

    There is a good example in BOL for the same.

    Pay Respect to People on your way up. For you will meet the same People on your way...

  • RE: Problem Accessing SQl Server Database via ASP.

    What I have noticed is that if I use Named Pipes in client network configuration I can connect to the sql server (The server is on the lan). But if...

  • RE: Problem Accessing SQl Server Database via ASP.

    I need to know how do I mention the instance name in the connection string.

    This is what I am doing

    oCon.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=aaa;Data Source=servername\instance"

    Pay Respect to People on...

  • RE: Script for finding all indexes in a database

    Try sp_statistics [Table_NAME]

    Pay Respect to People on your way up. For you will meet the same People on your way down.

  • RE: Deadlocking Problems

    I believe it remains for that connection until it is explicitly changed.

    By the way how do we check what is the current isolation level?

    Pay Respect to People on your...

  • RE: How DO I Work with DBCC TRACEOn(1204) FLAG

    Thanx mccork,Simon for the information.

    Pay Respect to People on your way up. For you will meet the same People on your way down.

  • RE: How DO I Work with DBCC TRACEOn(1204) FLAG

    Thanx mccork and Simon Clarke for the information.

    Pay Respect to People on your way up. For you will meet the same People on your way down.

  • RE: Configuring a multi-user system

    I feel Windows 2000 should be an ideal OS for the server along with sql server 2000 or 7.0 as the database server.

    On the Client Side Windows 98 would do.


  • RE: Deadlocking Problems



    For each summarisation, I have split it into two parts - one which makes sure that the row exists in the table...

  • RE: Deadlocking Problems

    I am doubtful if the index is being used while u run u'r update statements.Check out the execution plan.

    Can u by any chance move u'r data with status='C' to another...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 109 total)