Forum Replies Created

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

  • RE: DORMANT Status


    Same as Sleeping, except Dormant also indicates that the SPID has been reset after completing an RPC event. The reset cleans up resources used during the RPC event. This is...

  • RE: I cant remove a file in a filegroup

    I don't need remove "Primary Filegroup", I need remove 1 FILE (not filegroup ... 1 file in a Filegroup) In Primary Filegroup i have 2 FILE and i need remove only...

  • RE: autogrow is ON but ... not grow

    My HDD have 21 GB

    Database 5 GB (5000 mb)

    autogrow is ON in 200 mb

    Maximum file size = 6 GB (6000 mb)

    Apps NO get timeout, but not insert , update,...

  • RE: autogrow is ON but ... not grow

    Maximum file size = 6000

    in SQL 7.0

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)