Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 30 total)

  • RE: A guide to recover a database out from Suspect mode

    This article would be fine except it doesn't cover the ground sufficiently and you could end up restoring a database over new data when there was nothing wrong in the...

  • RE: Working at Microsoft

    I worked for MS in the Dallas PSS offices from 1994 thru 1998. In those days, MS was wonderful but it began a dramatic decline about the time I left....

  • RE: DBAs and the Fear of Maintenance Plans

    Maintenance plans are used by those that don't have the coding skill to create backups, defrags, and other functionality. I am weaker on creating code for replication and log shipping...

  • RE: COPY_ONLY Backups

    Typically, Microsoft, development DBAs and production DBAs overthink the backup process.

    The COPY_ONLY is a good idea for the development dba but not relevant to production. The idea of using the...

  • RE: Encryptionphobia

    I currently employ a 3rd party product called (of all silly things) Encryptionizer which reminds of the little martian on the Bugs Bunny cartoon that wants to blow up the...

  • RE: Intersect, Except, Union, All and Any

    Well researched, well proven and well written!

    You have further proven that Microsoft has hired too many people who justify their jobs by creating duplicate crap that does the work that...

  • RE: Oracle for the SQL Server Guy - Instances and Databases

    Well written, well thought-out and explained. I especially enjoyed the association between filegroups and tablespaces vis-a-vis schemas and tablespaces.

    Very enlightening. Well done!

  • RE: 9 Things to Do When You Inherit a Database

    When I became the Lead DBA for new big company I discovered most of the databases were not backed-up at all, some 30% were never making it to tape and...

  • RE: Intruding into Dummy Websites

    I read a great deal about the persecution of Tony for acting in accordance with your honorable legal history in the land of my ancestors. I was glad to read...

  • RE: Intruding into Dummy Websites

    24 million Texans are skillfully armed and there are only about 10,000 Brits in the military and police(just guessing) and they likely don't know how to shoot. The rest of...

  • RE: Intruding into Dummy Websites

    Phil wrote, "I expect that it is even more educational to test out your neighbors’ security systems by attempting to break into their houses. . ."

    I can tell you are...

  • RE: Streaming Data Into SQL Server 2008 From an Application

    The TVP feature is an improvement, yes. BUT you wrote dozens and dozens of lines of code that were only precompiled. The better path was is at the end of...

  • RE: Moving Database Files Detach/Attach or ALTER DATABASE?

    It is a terrible practice to detach a database from a production server. If you had any corruption in any database file or in the server itself, you will never...

  • RE: The Real SQL Server Experts

    Many Sour Grapes to all who claim expertise in face of daily reality. The fact is most T-SQL programming is mundane and nearly all of the changes made by the...

  • RE: Partitioning in SQL Server 2008

    I expect you didn't expect anyone to try your code. If you had tested it, you would find it generates errors.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 30 total)