Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 30 total)

  • RE: From the Real World: SQL Server 2000 SP4 Installation Failure

    well done. I have always distrusted 2000 clusters because MS was so picky about them. I am now using 2005 clusters and they are unproblematic except for their exclusive demand...

  • RE: Correlated Joins Using "Apply"

    If you are going to write a piece of code then you have an obligation to the user. Why? This is a service business. The user experience is the most...

  • RE: Trading in xp_cmdshell for SQLCLR (Part 1) - List Directory Contents

    I did not read past the first paragraph. Instead I scanned the code samples. I saw a lot of code. If I was a DBA that wrote lots and lots...

  • RE: Cursors Be Gone!

    Now if you REALLY knew how to do this you would have realized that you made it run slow on purpose. The modified code below only hits the clustered index...

  • RE: The Security of You

    The problem with biometrics is no different from other manifestations of the Big Brother Card. The implication is vast. When BOBB (Barack Obama Big Brother) and his minions act in...

  • RE: DBA Morning Check List


    If are REALLY a DBA you automate all this stuff. Use alerts to tell you when your backups fail or when a server hits a system fault. I send mine...

  • RE: You Are a Professional, So Speak Up

    This is SO EASY!!!! I can tell who has been in this meeting and who has not. Well, I have been there and here's the answer.

    When the boss, any boss,...

  • RE: Audit Database Changes in the Real World

    Why? You have C2 security enablement that does all the work for you to generate traces of everything. You have :fn_trace_gettable to read the traces so you don't have to...

  • RE: A Round of Applause

    How much does Microsoft pay you to market 2005? I realize that honesty is not a big part of some people's jobs but really, it is inconceivable that, unless you...

  • RE: The CLR in SQL Server 2005

    What is not understood about interpreted code be it T-SQL, CLR, JAVA or VB3 code? When you add 2 layers of interpretation to a piece of code, it will run...

  • RE: A Reporting System Architecture

    I question the use of DTS/SSIS. The fact is you can get the data out using simple select statements qualified by your create and edit dates. The only place you...

  • RE: Phantom Table?

    If SQL EM shows a table and an attempt to drop it fails, then you need to refresh SQL EM. This may mean closing it entirely and opening a new...

  • RE: Beginning Database Design - Spot the Flaws

    Assuming you want this table to store lots of data then follow these recommendations. If you aren't storing much data, then use Excel and and save your customer some bucks...

  • RE: Scheduling DTS job started failing

    your programmer or another person saved the package when he/she closed it. that changes the ID of the DTS Package so when the job runs, it tries to execute a...

  • RE: Error in SQl Server error log

    If you have not installed 2000 SP4, do so. Then the error willl not lockup your server or the db. If you have installed it then the error does not...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 30 total)