Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 9,361 through 9,375 (of 9,387 total)

  • RE: SQL Server login Server Roles needed for Backup Exec User

    I'm pretty sure JKG has done this before. 😀

  • RE: Stored procedure very slow execution

    Grant is right. You can fire UPDATE STATISTICS commands from within a stored procedure. They'll execute and then subsequent statements will get the benefits of having fresh and...

  • RE: Stored procedure very slow execution

    As a word of caution, I believe you can do online index rebuild only with the Enterprise Edition of SQL Server. If you have EE, great. If not,...

  • RE: Stored procedure very slow execution

    That last post makes me think of indexes. Since you changed the code to make things simpler and the database isn't maintained, check to see if the procedure is...

  • RE: Tables Involved in Stored procedure

    If nothing changed, then it wouldn't be taking 6 times as long to run. Therefore, something must have changed. It might not be the data in the tables,...

  • RE: Monitoring Tools

    I compared the tools from Idera, Red Gate and SQL Sentry. I found that SQL Sentry gave me:

    - An executable client, eliminating the need for a web server

    - A...

  • RE: insert missing rows

    INSERT INTO MasterList(ComputerName, AuditID, IAV, [Date])

    SELECT ComputerName, AuditID, IAV, [Date]

    FROM Temp t



  • RE: Decryptbykey

    I know what you mean. I don't know what your requirements are, but if you know the users can search by the first two (and only two) characters of...

  • RE: Decryptbykey

    Just as a word of caution here, if you put your DECRYPTBYKEY and CONVERT functions to the left of the operator, they'll both have to run on every row in...


    I was asking if you wanted to create a master customer list. Without one, if John Smith takes a trip to Italy and then takes a trip to Spain,...


    I'm not sure what your requirements are, but here's a suggestion. If it isn't applicable to what you're trying to do, simply ignore it.

    If you can have one trip...

  • RE: Executing dynamic SQL

    Thank you, Gail. I just learned something good that I will use often.

    The subtle but significant differences make all the difference in the world.

  • RE: Get date not working

    If your field is a datetime data type, then you're comparing the datetime result of GetDate() against the datetime value of the field. So, nothing's going to match. ...

  • RE: Nested replaces ?

    Wow! That's quite a set of REPLACEs. If I'm reading what you want correctly, I see two different approaches you can take here.

    The first is using the STUFF...

  • RE: datatype larger than 255?

    I'm glad to see you're not going to copy and paste from Excel. I've found that when doing this, data isn't pasted it as it should be, so I...

Viewing 15 posts - 9,361 through 9,375 (of 9,387 total)