Forum Replies Created

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

  • RE: Simple Group By

    Dan.Humphries (6/25/2010)


    If the data was stored as smalldatetime I doubt he would be having this problem to start with. It is fairly typical to have to do a convert...

  • RE: Simple Group By

    declare @table table (id int, dy smalldatetime,amt numeric (18,2))

    Insert Into @table

    select 101,2010-06-21,125.00

    union all select 101,2010-06-22,262.50

    union all...

  • RE: create row for comma seperate

    Run this...



    @String nvarchar(max)

    ,@Del char(1)


    RETURNS @ValueTable TABLE


    Value INT




    DECLARE @Pos...

  • RE: Simple Group By

    Dan.Humphries (6/25/2010)

    Sorry about that I knew I was missing something. The problem is that when you display the date it has the time stamp and there for the nano...

  • RE: self join in loop in sqlserver

    Since you have only 300 rows I don't see any disadvantage of using loop....Try below one...

    CREATE TABLE #FinalDest (NewProjectID varchar (25), OldProjectID varchar (25))

    DECLARE @TABLE table (NewPID varchar(50), OldPID varchar(50),RowID...

  • RE: self join in loop in sqlserver


    Is this the sample data or this is the only data you have ?

  • RE: Calling an Oracle Refcursor from SSIS


    As per my knowledge you can not receive Oracle Cursor in SQL Server...It's like Honda and Toyota both have engines but you can't drive Honda...

  • RE: Query Help

    Do you have the column for CaseID...? Please specify your requirement... Assuming you have column for caseID I am providing below T-SQL ....

    DECLARE @CaseID int

    set @CaseID = 111


  • RE: self join in loop in sqlserver


    Wayne has appliced good logiv here...Coming to the explanation of this code first of all code is creating a table variable named...

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)