Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 25 total)

  • RE: strange data behavior used and losted

    Not a lot of information was given about your, 'hung', server.  Was there a rollback to a transaction underway?  How was the issue resolved?  Cut the power to the server...

  • RE: Next_Run_Date/Next_Run_Time

    The job and schedule are both enabled.

    the table is :  sysjobschedules


  • RE: Eliminating Cursors

    I think that everyone is missing the obvious here.  The desired result of running the following SP is to obtain a list of associated Purchase_Order_IDs:

    EXEC dbo.usp_generate_purchase_order @item_category_id, @order_id, @purchase_order_id OUTPUT


  • RE: Convert Problem


    If you are going to play with dynamic SQL, it would be best to do as the previous poster suggested and load the dynamically generated SQL string into a variable...

  • RE: Concatentated Primary Keys ??

    Did he use a modeling tool in creating his database?  I am once again working with Erwin after a few years away from it, and I am finding that when...

  • RE: Using Sp_columns in a procedure


    Not sure how you are using the column names from the query, but if you need

    them in a single string, you can do this:


    Declare @ColNames varchar(2000)

    select @ColNames = ''

    select @ColNames...

  • RE: Returning @@rowcount to

    If you have not set "nocount", "on", within the SP, then you are getting 2 record sets returned when you are expecting 1.

  • RE: Regarding Update Query......

    Not possible the way you are trying to do the update.

    Correct me if I am wrong.  You would like to do a positional update, in other words, you would like...

  • RE: TRIMing the entire table in one shot

    This might be a case in which it makes sense to use dynamic SQL.

  • RE: spontaneously dropped db''''s

    Wasn't aware that DBs got detached when Master was backed up.  This would have played havoc with an application where we did a complete backup of master every hour through...


    Well, that is why I posted the reply.  I did have the where clause in the view.


    A select * from vw returned ids 1 - 4.

    Which is why I considered...


    When creating the objects as described, I am getting the

    following result set:


    ID          Val         Val2       

    ----------- ----------- -----------

    1           1           1

    2           1           1

    3           1           1

    4           1           1

    5           1           1

    6           1           1

    7          ...

  • RE: Identity incriments when insert failed

    One way to avoid receiving an error for a Primary Key violation is to test the insert data to see if the Primary Key already exists in the table.  If...

  • RE: Probably a very simple question.

    Another alternative would be to do a self join:


    update modulesettings

    set SettingValue = 'TRUE'

    from modulesettings  inner join modulesettings ms2

    on modulesettings.ModuleID = ms2.ModuleID

    where modulesettings.SettingName = 'ShowPaging' and

          ms2.SettingName = 'GroupType' and


  • RE: varchar & char variables max size

    Thanks Remi, that works.  Has sysname always been an Nvarchar datatype?  I don't remember running into this problem before and I have been doing this for a number of years...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 25 total)