Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

  • RE: An Introduction to the SQLCMD Mode in SSMS (SQL Spackle)

    Now if they only allowed those to be fired from within a sproc , wouldn't that be slick?


    Actually, that is a least rights service user account with no password that logs into via group SQLServerMSSQLUser$computername$MSSQLSERVER. (like SQLServerMSASUser$MyServer$MSSQLSERVER for SSAS).

    The "NET SERVICE\.." users are then members...


    Hmm, doesn't show as a group on my SSMS

  • RE: A Case FOR Cursors...

    Much of the sp_ that return from your query have to do with replication, which nobody much cares about, so there is no reason to expend energy cleaning up old...

  • RE: Less and Less Visual

    It's the Cell Phone, stupid! Texting , twitter; whatever happened to crayons.

  • RE: Don't Be a Ghost

    We've become drones to the Internet where Facebook and other such sites allow us to record for posterity our every useless thought and moment.

    Networking is an important thing we used...

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)