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Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

  • RE: greater than > and less than < in MDX

    new requirement has been added the show top ten results only.

    here is the code in analysis services how to do i add top ten restriction to it.

    sum( {


    {[Start Date].firstchild.firstchild.firstchild:[Start Date].[2000].[Quarter...

  • RE: greater than > and less than < in MDX

    Thanks Keith

    but ended up being slower.

    this is going to be a great presentation to our client. if i use around 2 dimensions though, it kicks ass over to old...

  • RE: greater than > and less than < in MDX

    thanks steve,

    i can't seem to work out how to use that in a calculated member.

    in the end we used this in a calculated member

    sum( {


    {[Start Date].[1900].[January]:[Start Date].[2000].[December]},

    {[End Date].[2000].[January]:[End Date].[8000].[December]}

    ) }...

  • RE: greater than > and less than < in MDX

    we seem to have data integrity problems with some dates of the data being year 8000 and one in 1900 thats why i had to do that :P.

    I think nonemptycrossjoin...

  • RE: greater than > and less than < in MDX

    For those interested

    Keith has provided me the following solution


    member [Measures].TotalAcrossDateRange as '( sum( { { [Start Date].[1900].[January]:[Start Date].[2001].[January] } * {

    [End Date].[2000].[January]:[End Date].[8000].[December] } } , [Measures].[Total] ))'



  • RE: Date count problems with cube

    Wow thanks guys!

    i'll give them a go and get back to you to see how it goes.

    yeah i'll check out the resource kit as well steve.


  • RE: greater than > and less than < in MDX

    yeah thanks keith,

    i've used this but its not what i want.

    i need all data with dates greater than begindate and data with dates less than enddate.

  • RE: greater than > and less than < in MDX

    couldn't get WHERE clause working with what I wanted to do. Haven't got a example because I can't work out something that works.

  • RE: NULL Date = 30/12/1899

    its shows up as null when I view the database from sql server enterprise manager, but when i view the cube in analysis services which used the data from the...

  • RE: NULL Date = 30/12/1899

    nah no default values, its a MS thing, its a long story. for some reason they just decided to make null = 30/12/1899

    its the same thing with access databases.

  • RE: off-the-shelf product to work with SQL Server AS

    maybe BRIO supports what you are looking for.

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)