Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

  • RE: Suspect DB

    Thanx to All.

    I really appreciate it.

    I was able to copy the tables and data using DTS wizard.

    It's the long way around, but, better than losing it all.


  • RE: Suspect DB

    I stopped and restarted SQL Server after running the sp_resetstatus. No change - still in emergency mode.

    I can see the tables now and have successfully run a query against a...

  • RE: Suspect DB

    First, thanx for the help.

    I followed Allen's advice and brought the DB back into suspect mode. I then used homeri14's advice and have got the DB into Emergency mode.

    Allen suggested...

  • RE: Suspect DB

    The databse has been dropped. It is detached. I am attempting to re-attach, but it will not let me because of the corrupted log. I did not detach the log,...

  • RE: server properties (configure) doesnt match sp_configure

    sorry got carried away with the enter key. Anyway, support felt it was due to lack of memory. When we tried to make changes to the server properties memory tab,...

  • RE: Newbie question - Views & delete

    Thanx! You just confirmed my suspicions. You guys are all great! I am learning a lot just reading you posts. Hopefully one day I will be able to contribute more....

  • RE: Newbie question - Views & delete

    I found that the view is comprised of three tables. Tables 1 & 2 are (inner) joined on an id field and Tables 2 7 3 are inner joined on...

  • RE: What would cause processor (sqlservr.exe) to peak 99%

    Thanx for your post;

    The peak lasts indefinitly. Late yesterday we determined that our only recourse is to kill one process running on another server accessing files/records on the main server....

  • RE: Newbie: NET STOP - Command Window Error

    I dug a little deeper. There are several schdeuled tasks that run daily. Each scheduled task runs a different NT .cmd file. Within all these files are a simple copy...

  • RE: Newbie: continuing backup failures

    I went nosing around again. If you didn't read my first post, I am new to SQl Server and do not know where everything is at yet.

    I finally found the...

  • RE: Newbie: continuing backup failures

    There was nothing in the Current log.

    under the job history details all I saw was the following error message:

    sqlmaint.exe failed [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029). The step failed.

    I have not been...

  • RE: Newbie: continuing backup failures

    Thanx for your quick response.

    OK. The maintenance plan is for the master, model & msdb. The master & msdb are set to Simple and the model set to Full Recovery...

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)