Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 84 total)

  • RE: opening SSIS Package

    You need to have the package locally. You can import it to your project in BIDS by right-clicking packages and choose Import Package. Navigate to the server and select the...

  • RE: Database set to Restricted User

    I view & change the owner_sid in sysjobs to 0x01 which is sa, thanks.

  • RE: Database set to Restricted User

    Can I check without kicking of the job & vewing sp_who2.

  • RE: Error Log (Unable to view)

    Yeah the event log says:

    Exception happened when running extended stored procedure 'xp_sysmail_format_query' in the library 'xpstar90.dll'. SQL Server is terminating process 144. Exception type: Win32 exception; Exception code: 0xc0000005.

  • RE: SSI Error

    It's blank, I've had try null and the results are the same. The source is varchar(6) and the destination is a flat file.

  • RE: Maintenance Plan failed with a 42000 error22029

    Never mind I figure out what the problem is, the database was set to Simple and not Full.

  • RE: Link Server Issue

    My statements is:

    Select * from LinkingServer..Databasename.TableName

    Since I'm going from a 32 bit SQL Server 2000 machine to a 64 bit SQL 2005 Server I believe I need to...

  • RE: Link Server Issue

    I've tried a windows login and a sql login.

  • RE: Link Server Issue

    I'm still receiving the 7314 error message And I ran: osql -E -S linkservername -i "\\Path\instcat.sql" on both servers.

  • RE: Don't Get it??

    Because sp_send_dbmail, allow me to type what the Subject Line should say instead of having "SQL Server Message" And I am using sp_executeSQL.

  • RE: SQL Mail

    The Plain has been created via GUI (Management Studio)

  • RE: SQL Mail

    Ok, I'm using sp_send_dbmail but the if my maintenance plain is creating a text document with the date and a runtime as the name of the file how do one...

  • RE: SQL Mail

    I have the job set up as to "Notify Operator when job is completed" and the end, that's the last task and I'm wondering should is that the way...

  • RE: Date compare

    The logic work but I had to change "-30" to "-60" to get within the last 30 days, I wondere why?

  • RE: Date compare

    closedate datetype is 'datetime'.

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 84 total)