Forum Replies Created

Viewing 9 posts - 76 through 84 (of 84 total)

  • RE: Retore to create a different DB

    I've got it, thanks. Typing error.

  • RE: Retore to create a different DB

    There is light at the end-of the tunnel,

    The database to be restored was named 'AABC'. Reissue the statement using the WITH REPLACE option to overwrite the 'vieval3x_testiis' database.

    When I replace...

  • RE: Retore to create a different DB

    I applogize, it said:

    Logical file 'testa_TestIIS_Data' is not part of database 'testa_testiis'. Use RESTORE FILELISTONLY to list the logical file names.

    I did an sp_helpdb databasename, I can see that testa_testIIS_Data...

  • RE: Retore to create a different DB

    I tried this way "with move", and it didn't like it:

    RESTORE database vieval3x_testiis from disk='D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\BACKUP\testA\testA_db_2011.BAK'

    WITH MOVE 'testA_TestIIS_Data' to 'D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\data\testA_TestIIS_Data.MDF',

    MOVE 'testA_TestIIS_Log' to 'D:\Program...

  • RE: Drill Down

    Never mind, I got it.

  • RE: Can't drop user Database

    But it's not in use, when I look at the output from sp_who2 or Activity from EM, there are no user/spid log into that database.

  • RE: DropDown selection instead on a Parm for my Report

    I've got it, never mind.

  • RE: Web FrontEnd

    Yes that is pretty much correct, I provide the users an URL it they will have three options to chose from, whichever one thsy pick will produce there report. ...

  • RE: ReportSelection

    Yes Report1-3 are pretty much the same but as you drill down on each one your will receive different information.

Viewing 9 posts - 76 through 84 (of 84 total)