Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 50 total)

  • RE: What is CUBE?

    I would say Cube is a representation of data similiar like a rubix cube. Where you can look at data from different angles(in analysis world - Dimensions). You can use...

  • RE: Data Migration - Quickly Inserting New Data

    I had a similiar situation to update some old Ids with New IDs... my list contains around 1000-1500 rows in excel...

    Save the sheet as a CSV first...

    I did...

  • RE: Table Reference In Query

    what you want to achieve ? send the table definition for both Statusxref and ITRegInfo tables.

    Assume its something like this...

    Select StatusXref.StatusId , ITRegInfo.Status From StatusXref Where StatusXref.StatusId = ITRegInfo.StatusId

    define your...

  • RE: Whats the difference between SQL Server 2000 Developer & MSDE

    In Simple, SQL Developer version has enterprise manager, query analyzer and all kind of development stuff..

    MSDE has only Service Manager to deal with! no enterprise manger or query analyzer.


  • RE: We can we obtain an SQLServer 7.0 licence?

    I read somewhere that you can purchase windows2000 license and install windows NT4.0.. is that applies for SQL also ?


  • RE: comparison tools


    for a stored procedure which will do comparison!


  • RE: Help a newbie....please???

    see a sample

    Col1 -- is the unique column

    col2 is the zip code column..

    update table2 set col2 = a.col2 from table2 join (select col1,substring(col2,1,5) as col2 from table2 )a on table2.col1=a.col1



  • RE: re SQL MSCRM Post

    Sorry if i misunderstood you..

    First, the sample code put in the forum is not by me.. its by somebody else. To get rid of the error modify the line


  • RE: Restored DB Missing Table Attributes

    Check whether NOT NULL constraint is set on the production database for security_id column in user_security table.


  • RE: Removing the time from a datetime database field

    use DATEPART function and retrieve the date parts from the date retrieved.



    declare @dtTime datetime

    set @dtTime  = getdate()

    SELECT CAST(DATEPART(m, @dtTime)as varchar) +'/'+ CAST(DATEPART(d, @dtTime)as varchar) +'/'+  CAST(DATEPART(yy, @dtTime)as varchar)


  • RE: Restored DB Missing Table Attributes

    How you restored the database ?? using DTS ? or backup/restore?

    If you attempted DTS, whether you selected copying constraints ??


  • RE: re SQL MSCRM Post

    Its not clear from the question.

    What you want to do ?? When you delete the BENEFITTYPE from the web page, you want to delete all the BENEFITS associated with it...

  • RE: Recreated Trigger Will Not Run

    Make sure that there is no other triggers created for the table using



  • RE: SELECT WHERE IN (Invalid SQL Statement)

    I got an error while trying to run a query in a similiar way..

    Whats the difference??

    I got this error message

    Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 3, Line 1


  • RE: Help us Improve our Logo

    I don't see a reason why we are going away from the current one!!

    If you want a different logo, try entirely different one, instead of building based on existing one.


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 50 total)