Forum Replies Created

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)



    After a long week of bug squashing and pest control, finally the friday comes, you sit in front of your XBox 360, download a new game found on XBox Live,...

  • RE: The Daily Lookup

    Please, people

    It was clearly stated on the dailyWTF forum that this WAS NOT AN OLAP APPLICATION, so this leads us to the conclusion that this DB design sucks.

    The workaround in...

  • RE: Unexpected return code: 1 ?

    I had the same error once, on a server migration too, but I turned out to be exactly what it says: I did not configured the connection properly.

    This problem happens...

  • RE: Consulta de SQL Reporting Services (paginacion de registros)

    I'm literally afraid to ask why did you copy-paste my translation, so I won't


    I've already asked you, but I'll post my questions again:

    - This "query" that tooks so long, have...

  • RE: Consulta de SQL Reporting Services (paginacion de registros)

    Hola, Jorge

    No se si lo hayas notado, pero este es un foro en inglés, no en español. Es más fácil que te respondan tus dudas si escribes tus comentarios en...

  • RE: RS - Error guessing

    Nice guess, but no

    Before I found out the error, I copied all the installation directory to hard drive, re-run the setup and same "error!" (note the exclamation, very cute)

  • RE: RS - Error guessing

    Sorry, I updated the link, can you see the image?

    If not, access



  • RE: RS on a Domain Controller, now what?


    Well, I spent all the afternoon with a team from MS until we get to an IIS expert and found out the problem, it turned not to be a RS...

  • RE: RS on a Domain Controller, now what?

    I checked the directory security this morning and it does not allow anonymous access

    I'm raising a ticket with Microsoft, they should have 72...

  • RE: RS on a Domain Controller, now what?

    Hi, Steve

    Yes, Of course, I went into a bit of trouble actually but I found the steps at the RS Books Online in the MSDN library, I:

    - Granted Impersonate Privilege...

  • RE: RS on a Domain Controller, now what?


    What I've done so far:

    - Add my account (in the Domain Controller Security Policy) to the BUILTIN/Administrator group:  No luck

    - Add the "Log on locally" right (in the Domain Controller Security Policy,...

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)