Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

  • RE: Help: Triggers to insert records

    Thanks you for reply!!!

    systemDataTest DDL:

    sysID int primary key,

    rid char(4),

    fname char(8),

    fplace char(10),

    book_date datetime


    res_test DDL:

    rid char(4) primary key,

    type char(4),

    phone char(6)


    Thanks you for help!!!!!!




  • RE: DateTime Function

    Thanks all!! I know how to do that!!

    After my test, this is should be okay, I think:

    DATEADD(minute,fac_minute,DATEADD(hour,fac_hour,DATEADD(day, fac_date_cnt, f.book_date)))


  • RE: Triggers to create String ID


    If the first character and numeric portion will be at least entered once and then automatically increasing, can I modify your SQL create statement to do that??? When another new...

  • RE: Triggers to create String ID

    Thanks you for reply!! It works fine

    But I would like to add first letter 'B' in the StringID for special use.

    How can I add conditional statement to control?? The first...

  • RE: Triggers to create String ID

    Thanks you for your reply!!!

    All the code work fine!!!

    But I have one more question:

    How can I add conditional if statement in the procedure??

    I would like to use...

  • RE: Triggers to create String ID

    Thanks you for reply!!

    I am the first time to create triggers or procedure.

    Do u mean that I need to insert A0001 first and then run the while loop command??

    And in...

  • RE: Procedure to create string ID


    The reason for using string ID is that I need to use a character in the beginning of ID e.g. A00001. The first letter is to indicate project code and the remaining number is...

  • RE: How to create sequence in SQL Server 2000??

    David Burrows, Thanks you for reply!!

    I still have question about using IDENTITY column. What data type does it return when I use it?? Can I use this to auto generate...

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)