Forum Replies Created

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

  • RE: SQL Server 2005 Service Accounts

    I like the way this is set up. The Baseline Security analyzer gets it wrong with the folder permissions. I started cleaning things up based on the BSL...

  • RE: SPN Insanity

    OK, I got what I was looking for. To list out the SPNs you have to do it under the account name that is creating the SPN. Which...

  • RE: SPN Insanity

    Thank you for your replys.

    So to list out the current spns I should use

    SETSPN -L against what server? My domain controler or my database server? If I run...

  • RE: How to findout who has modified the Stored procedures recently

    You can run a server side trace to look for DDL commands.

    Here is my script that creates a new trace file. I have it set up in a job...

  • RE: Query Analizer alernatives

    thanks to everyone for their responses.

    Unfortunately the application they use and the positions they are in with in the organization requires them to also have delete rights. This...

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)