Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

  • RE: Link Server Errors

    Did you isql from your server or from your desktop?  If from your desktop, then try it from the server.

  • RE: Full Scans/sec

    I ran across this last week when tuning a query.  The query plan shows it as a Table Scan for a Table UDF.



  • RE: DTS from code

    Create a DTS package that has one task which is the Copy SQL Server objects task.  After you fill in the Source and Destination tabs,   unselect the create destination objects...

  • RE: The Value of A DBA

    Great article!


    I liked the part about restores.  So true.  You can back up religiously, but if you can't restore, what's the point.


    In my experience a DBAs hidden value is that they...

  • RE: How to export structure of view

    Here's a real easy way to get schema of view resultset


    select top 0 * into TempTableName from ViewName


    Then just do normal scripting of object and then drop TempTableName.



  • RE: Output Parameter in SP

    Try this:



    CREATE PROC dbo.getUUIDfromDB

      @objID int,

      @myUUID varchar(255) OUTPUT


    DECLARE @sql nvarchar(1000)

    DECLARE @ParmDef nvarchar(500)

    SET @ParmDef = N'@Parm_objID int, @Parm_myVal varchar(255) OUT'

    SET @sql = N'SELECT @Parm_myVal = myVal FROM myTable...

  • RE: Index for column with a lot of Null

    I agree that there is probably a design flaw/oversight if there are that many NULL's.

    However, if a column in a table has values that are REALLY lopsided, like...

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)