Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

  • RE: The Apprentice

    I'm all in favor of vocational training. I have an A. S. degree in Airway Science, which I picked because it included a private pilots license as part of the...

  • RE: String comparison with trailing spaces

    It's been our experience (going back more than 20 years) that in this type of application our customers expect enough security to prevent a casual attempt to access the parts,...

  • RE: String comparison with trailing spaces

    In this application there is absolutely no reason the password should not be stored in plain text. There is no personally identifiable data, it's an application to control warehouse automation...

  • RE: String comparison with trailing spaces

    GSquared (5/13/2008)

    I just checked my databases and servers, and ANSI padding is False on all of them, but per BOL:


    In a future version of SQL Server ANSI_PADDING will...

  • RE: Does the Job Matter To You?

    The job matters, but the job is so much more than the work we do at the job.

    I have done, and enjoyed, a variety of different jobs. When...

  • RE: Is The PASS Summit Worth It?

    I can't comment on the value of the PASS Summit, I'd just like to know if that is a couple of kilts I see in the picture?

  • RE: An IT Union - Database Weekly (Sept 8, 2008)

    In my job I get to travel to customer sites and work with the IT departments at many companies. Many of the larger companies already have the disadvantages of the...

  • RE: Should I Buy a Kindle?

    I've not had the chance to use a Kindle, so I can't comment on the usability.

    I've tried ebooks on the Palm, and, as others have said they are impossible in...

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)