Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 144 total)

  • RE: @@error problem

    Beautiful!  Thanks.  I've been stressing over a very heavy logic oriented script.  I should of thought of this.

  • RE: @@error problem

    I am still having problems.

    declare @intserialnumber  int

    declare @myerror  int

    set @intserialnumber = cast('MNO0101             ' as int)

    select @myerror = @@error

    print @myerror

    Once the cast runs, I get the error immediately.

  • RE: version differences

    Do I get the DTS Designer where I can do all the transforms etc.. in the standard or is this just a "wizard" that you speak of?

  • RE: The SCUD Test

    Just an observation, last night I saw on the news a generator mounted at sea level in Alabama.  It was half underwater.  I sure hope it wasn't considered a backup...

  • RE: CEOs Are Faking It

    Without leaders, they wouldn't have brought together the right kind of people to make the business succeed like you and I.   

  • RE: Data centre failure

    IIRC, this was in Virginia, USA.


  • RE: Data centre failure

    For one of my web sites there was an underground fire and the fire department forced my host to shut down everything.  We were out for 24 hours.

    For me, I...

  • RE: data files

    I've run a couple defrags at the os level with sql2k stopped.  It defragged one smaller 800 meg db ok, but on the 22 gig db it wouldn't defrag the...

  • RE: dbo mapped to user

    How could I forget?  I had done this once before, maybe because it's production I am more worried.   Thanks!


  • RE: bcp format file

    anyone have any ideas or suggestions?


  • RE: SQLServer monitoring tools - alternitives to QUEST.

    I use MRTG and performance counters logged to a CSV file, plus several home grown scripts to put it all together.  MRTG creates the graphs.  With the CSVs, I can...

  • RE: Sharing Enterprise Manager configuration

    You need to export them out of registry then reload them.  There's two places you need to export them.  Have them search on a specific servername.  I don't think this...

  • RE: odbcconf

    I've done a ton of digging on google and found out that you cannot put passwords in, making it pretty useless to replicate 10 web servers with all the same...

  • RE: favorite SPs?

    Interesting, can you expand on how you do this?  Do you use DTS on one machine to deploy out the "favorites" to others?


  • RE: favorite SPs?

    I thought it was on this web site here, but cannot seem to find it

    (of course I am breaking my rule of using the SMTP SP above)

    /* drop trigger trg_stepfailures...

Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 144 total)