Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

  • RE: SSAS, SSIS, SSRS are all missing!!

    if you are using vista premium, you wont be able to preview the report - unless via Visual Studio or BIDS. The SSRS wont run on vista premium.

  • RE: SSAS, SSIS, SSRS are all missing!!

    Are you sure you managed to install Reporting Services on Vista? I dont think that will work....

    Also what are you expecting to see? For example connecting to IS will only...

  • RE: Formating number

    could you just

    cast(@yournumber as money)

  • RE: Returning rows 2-10

    The trick is in the order by! One ascending & one descending...

  • RE: Returning rows 2-10

    You can change the numbers in the TOP 🙂 Its just to give you an idea of where to look... good luck

  • RE: Returning rows 2-10

    Would something like this work??

    SELECT TOP 9 *

    FROM mytable a

    WHERE a.mycolumn IN (SELECT TOP 10 *

    FROM mytable b

    ORDER BY mycolumn)

    ORDER BY mycolumn DESC

  • RE: DAteDifference problem in SQL

    IF ((SELECT a.holidaydate FROM holidays a WHERE a.holidaydate = @datepassed-7) IS NOT NULL)

    SET @datereturn = @datepassed-8

    ELSE SET @datereturn = @datepassed-7

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)