Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

  • RE: Better Writing

    this article made me laugh. there is rarely a day where you do not have some sort of grammatical mistake etc. there's even one here...

    ..."and possibly impress someone else that...

  • RE: The Dream Machine

    "I see now shortage".. do you ever proofread?

  • RE: Yikes!

    "Perhaps I should take less trips" ('fewer' not less) ....."more and more computerizes"....

    and the streak of consecutive days with a spelling or grammatical error continues....

  • RE: The R2 Penalty

    ..."because they deal with physical inventory, there don't subtely "....

    do you ever proofread or spellcheck what you write?

  • RE: The Problem Is You

    do you ever read what you write? 3 more simple mistakes today... not to mention to daily misuse of commas...

  • RE: The March 2009 Car Update

    Would spell/grammar checking be too much to ask? Every sentence doesn't need 3 commas...

  • RE: A Better English Query

    ironically, Steve's English isn't that great...

    - "I don't know that anyone every had this built.."

    - "If the database or analysis engine can compute answers on it's own," (its)

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)