Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

  • RE: SQL error 2501: help

    Thanks, Allen, for all your help

  • RE: SQL error 2501: help

    Since this server is our SMS central site server, I don't know what impact will be if I select a single user mode, can other SMS services be able to...

  • RE: SQL error 2501: help

    just ran a select * from sysobjects where ID=258647932 on 'mydb' Web reporting server, came out nothing

  • RE: DB scheduled restore job fail

    Thanks, Allen

  • RE: DB scheduled restore job fail

    just want to be sure, on 1st step of the job to run: ALTER DATABASE mydb WITH IMMEDIATE instead of detach all user

  • RE: DB scheduled restore job fail

    message from SQL logs:

    Process ID 52 killed by hostname RLGHNCSXN1E, host process ID 1404.

    I look Task manager:

    Process ID 1404 is sqlagent.exe

    the step failed is 1st one

  • RE: DB scheduled restore job fail

    here is 1st step of the job

    declare @spid int

    declare @spid2 char(2)

    declare curs1 cursor


    (select spid from sysprocesses where dbid= (select dbid from

    sysdatabases where name = 'aexns'))

    open curs1

    fetch next from curs1...

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)